Valve bring Steam and the Source Engine to MAC, which is a huge boost to MAC as a gaming platform as it has struggled against Windows and even Linux when it comes to gaming.
As we...
Steam receives a complete overhaul, shedding its old green shell only to take on a slick, shiny new black one which appears to be more modern and community friendly.
Read the official...
Left 4 Dead 2 is released. The boycott doesn’t seem to have influenced sales at all as the game sells 2 million copies in merely 2 weeks and becomes as successful if not arguably...
Icefrog the developer behind the Popular Warcraft III mod, Defence of the Ancients [Dota] joins Valve to work on a yet unnamed title. It leads to speculation of a Dota styled MOBA...
Under mounting pressure from the community and uncertainties growing as to the original Left 4 Dead’s status Valve flew two of the most prominent members for the boycott group to...
Valve release an update to the Source SDK mainly for Team Fortress 2, providing sources for maps as well as many fixes and optimizations to the overall toolkit.
Valve respond to the criticism.
“Looking back, was the Orange Box a rip-off?” He said, on initial complaints at having to “buy” Half-Life 2 again in the compilation. “Give us a fair...
Left 4 Dead 2 is announced at E3 2009 and almost immediately is met with hostility from “fans”. A boycott is setup receiving a huge following of around 37,000 people within the first...