Half-Life: Uplink, the official Half-Life demo, is released. The demo features parts of the original Half-Life that didn’t make the final cut. (See the original press statement ...
With the great success and flood of cash revenue coming in off of Half-Life, programmers set to work on an even heavier modification of the Goldsrc engine. This is technically why...
The first Team Fortress 2 media is released, showing a sharp contrast from the cartoonish original with the much more realistic look of modern combat military games, as well as a...
Half-Life is released through Sierra On-Line after some initial difficulty in finding a publisher largely due to Valve’s reputation of being overly ambitious. It quickly becomes...
Valve acquires TF Software PTY Ltd., the makers of the original Team Fortress mod for Quake, with the intention of developing and releasing a new stand-alone title, Team Fortress...
Gabe Newell begins a long-standing Valve tradition and decides to regroup his creative teams to start from scratch on a single title, combining the drama of Prospero with the action...
Two teams work on two separate titles to launch the Valve brand; Quiver, an action-packed first-person shooter, and Prospero, a Myst-style adventure drama. Both get relatively far...
Valve is founded as an L.L.C. in Kirkland, WA by former Microsoft employees Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington, instrumental minds behind nearly three generations of the Windows operating...