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Dota IIThe Official Dota 2 Website
Official twitter for CS:GOOfficial twitter for CS:GO
Half-Life SDK2 ResourcesGood site for getting up and running with the old SDK
Official twitter for TF2Official twitter for TF2
Alien Swarm:Single Player BlogGreat Blog based on the Single player conversion mod for Alien Swarm
Day of Defeat WikiEncyclopedia of Day of Defeat
SFMLabDownload free models for use in your Source Filmmaker shorts
LambdaGenerationA great community fan website for all things Valve related with a primary focus on that which is Half life. Gives great exposure for new mods.
hldsOfficial mailing for Half-Life Dedicated Servers
VDCThe Valve Developer Community is the official Source SDK Documentation
Half Life Saganot useful for modders but a must read for those interested in the half-life Universe
WavelengthSource, GoldSrc tutorials, inactive forums, mostly defunct, use the wayback machine to get some missing pages
Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Counter Strike: SourceThe Official Counter-Strike Website
Appalachian Killing GroundsOld site with large collection of tutorials
Background RadiationUnfortunately dead, this site provided prefabs back in the day
ChaincraftOlden goldie here with some very useful modding tips on goldsrc
nashalifeRussian Modding site for Half-Life
ModMaticMod review site from the developer of Minerva
Design 3 (Noesis)Big collection of high quality Source engine tutorials (paid)
WorldCraft OnlineTool for creating Hammer maps from a 2D perspective
GoldSrc GoldExhibiting and preserving the great look and feel of Goldsource engine games & mods from days gone bye.
Half-Life Codingone of the best original resources for Half-Life Coding
3rdLifevery hard to crawl but was once a great tutorial resource
Half-Life FusionFrench site dedicated to Half-Life
Mach IIIDecent site from the old days covering Half-Life
Half-Life WikiAnother great wiki covering Half-Life
Jinx's MapsGreat little site with some good tutorials and resources on Half-life
HalfLife.netAnother Half-Life website from back in the day
LeakfreeSome useful tutorials on mapping with Source
Weapons of Day of Defeat: SourceWeapons of Day of Defeat: Source
Half-Life 2: Episode 1The Official Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Website
hlcodersOfficial mailing for Half-Life Coders
Weapons of Half-LifeWeapons of Half-Life
SRCDSSource Dedicated server resource
Half-Life Physics ReferenceThe Half-Life Physics Reference is a wonderful site with un-official documentation on the GoldSrc Engine.
Weapons of Source Film MakerWeapons of Source Film Maker
Weapons of Counter-Strike OnlineWeapons of Counter-Strike Online
Petes PlaceOld coding tutorials
Planet Half-LifeOnce one of the greatest sources for everything HL2, is now shutdown with Gamespy’s closure
Ask YahnQuestions put to Valve Employee Yahn Bernier
Game BananaOne of the original game modding websites (previously known as FPS Banana)
When its doneSome tutorials on HL1 development
Half-Life ProgrammingGreat resource for Half-Life coding
69th VlatitudeGood oldschool tuts and resources can be found here
TWHLSource, GoldSrc tutorials, active forums, friendly community
Weapons of Counter-Strike: SourceWeapons of Counter-Strike: Source
RadiumOld Map rating and review site
Weapons of Vampire the Masquerade: BloodlinesWeapons of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Weapons of Team Fortress 2Weapons of Team Fortress 2
Left 4 DeadThe Official Left 4 Dead Website
Half-LifeThe Official Half-Life Website
Thinking with PortalsThe Official Portal Website
Garry's Mod WikiWiki with useful information for developers and gamers playing with Garry's Mod
HLFXActive Russian Modding Community
hlds_linuxOfficial mailing for Half-Life Dedicated Servers on Linux
FacepunchGreat website with plenty of tutorials many of which focus on Garry’s mod but none the less a very useful website
Source RunsSource runs is a great site documenting and supporting community members who attempt record breaking speed runs through GoldSrc and Source Engine games.
SteamDBRecords all changes to steams games and products
Counter-ScriptThe #1 Counter-Strike Scripting Site... now gone :/
Grinder74Another Polish community dedicated to Half-Life
Mods InsideRussian Mod community providing forums, files and reviews.
Official twitter for DOTA2Official twitter for DOTA2
dying2killAustralian & NewZealand based Gaming Community
hlds_announceOfficial mailing for Half-Life Dedicated Server Announce
HL2DBAnother lost site that had some promise back in the day.
Steampowered ForumsThe Original Official Steam Forums
Where is Gordon FreemanThis website is a timeline documenting the range of fascinating events that have happened between Gordon Freeman’s most recent appearance in 2007 and his yet-to-be-announced next appearance in the franchise.
The SnarkpitHost for maps, tools and tutorials, active community
SteamcastGreat collection of Podcasts on everything VALVe
Resource CodeOld site with large collection of coding tutorials written in German
Half-Life LibraryThis site focuses more on user generated content like custom maps, modifications, videos, models, clans and more for all of Valve's games.
Modding AreaGreat French community for Modding resources.
Half-Life ArrangementFew small tutorials for Source
Left 4 Dead WikiEncyclopedia of Left 4 Dead
HL2 CodingProgramming Tutorials for HL2
Mortal DevGreat website with links to useful resources
Counter MapUseful maps and Tutorials for CS 1.6 and CS:S
HalfLife Control UnitGreat web resource for Half-Life
HL2SpainSpanish site covering everything Source
Weapons of Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveWeapons of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
The WadfatherContains some useful links to tutorials
The Mighty AtomGreat little selection of some of the harder to find resources on Half-life
Combine OverWikiComprehensive information on Half-life and Portal
UbermicroCommunity of tutorials on mapping and modding
Half-Life PortalGerman site covering Valves games
Black MesaBlack Mesa is a re-envisioning of Valve Software's classic science fiction first person shooter, Half-Life. Powered by Source Engine, You will re-visit the inaugural role of Gordon Freeman and his memorable journey through the Black Mesa Research Facility.
Plague FestGreat mapping and modding community
Official twitter for L4DOfficial twitter for L4D
Halfwit 2HL2 mapping and tutorials, general information
Mapping BaseGreat German community for Mapping resources.
Counter Server MapsAnother unfortunately dead resource that supplied plenty of downloads and tutorials
Gaming-Models.deDownload free models for use in your mods
HL SpainSpanish blog covering Half-Life 1 Mods Prefabshosted multitudes of prefabs for half-life
Half-Life [GameHut]Old site with walkthroughs on half-life
Weapons of Firearms: SourceWeapons of Firearms: Source
Half-Life ComicComical take on the Half-Life Universe
ModDotaGreat resource for modding Dota II
CITY17.RUAnother unfortunate victim of disregard, was a great site dedicated to everything Half-life.
Run Think Shoot LiveA great community website for all things valve related. Focused on mods, tutorials and the expression of the community. Previously known as Planet Phillip.
Left 4 Dead 2The Official Left 4 Dead 2 Website
Level Design TheoryBlog documenting single player map creation for Half-Life 2 and other Source Games
Half Life Machinima WikiEncyclopedia of Half Life Machinima
ammahlsTutorials for Sven Co-op
Half-Life Nostalgia ProjectCollection of screens and info prior to the release of Half-Life. another victim to gamespys untimely demise.
Weapons of Counter-Strike: Condition ZeroWeapons of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Official twitter for Valve SoftwareOfficial twitter for Valve Software
Sven Co-opGreat website with a very active community for the Sven Coop Mod
HL2DM UniversityHalf-Life 2 Deathmatch based community resource.
WallwormModeling tools for Max
Weapons of Half-Life 2Weapons of Half-Life 2
isolated-design.deA good resource for GoldSrc modding tutorials
EditLifeOne of the older sites dedicated to mapping and resources. No longer live :(
Counter-Strike PlanetGreat old mapping resource for Counter strike.
InterlopersHL2 News, Tutorials and forum with a thriving community
Weapons of Left 4 Dead 2Weapons of Left 4 Dead 2
3kliksphilipTalented CSS and CS:GO Mapper with a wealth of Tutorials
Persistence of VisionTutorials on creating movies in half-life
SlackillerTutorials, textures and maps for Source
headcrab.plPolish community dedicated to Half-Life
Game EditFew small tutorials on HL1 mapping
Dota WikiEncyclopedia of Dota
RvanhoornHalf-Life 2 Map Editing Optimization Guide
World of Level DesignTutorials on Mapping for many platforms
Half-Life 2: Episode 2The Official Half-Life 2: Episode 2 Website
HL ImprovementThriving Modding Community
SourceWikiOnce had some good coding tutorials and offered help, unfortunately lost.
half-life.ruActive Russian Modding Community
metrocopComics from Source engines games, specifically Garrys Mod.
MapeadoresSpanish modding Tutorials
NetdayMap hosting site including but not limited to Valve Games
Half-Life Programming Planetplenty of good old tutorials here for Half-Life
Half-Life FalloutOne of the better communities for Half-life content
A Working PigHalf-Life 2 Deathmatch maps and utilities
Team Fortress WikiEncyclopedia of Team Fortress
Half-Life: AlyxThe Official Half-Life: Alyx Website
Steam ReviewSite covering interesting facts about Steam
The Orange BoxThe Official Orange Box Website
Halflife2.filefrontHuge collection of downloads for Half Life and Source
SDK NutsOne of the older HL2 modding websites
The FixxxerGood collection of coding tutorials here
No DrawGreat Blog detailing concepts when it comes to TF2 map creation
The 303Tutorials for Source
Half Life ExpressOld site for news on Half-Life
HL2 Mods.ruA Russian Mod Review site for Source Games
ContaminatedDefacto place for everything half-life around its release. Closed only to re-open as Planet Half-life.
Botmans BotsDecent starting point for modding the SDK
100 Half-Life 1 Mods100 of Half-Life 1's best Mods hand picked by Andrej Mernik
Texture StudioOld texture resource for Half-Life, contains some tutorials
Phineas BotBots for Half-Life and tutorials
Half-Life Beta ProjectNice little russian site covering Half-Life designed around the old steam colors.
Nems ToolsExtremely useful tools for Source modding
valvenewsOld site for news on Half-Life
Half-life Coding IndexOld site indexing the coding tutorials available for half-life
Weapons of InsurgencyWeapons of Insurgency
The Razzer TutorialsTutorials for Source mapping (Deutsch)
EGIR.DKProvided a vibrant forum and tutorial collection back in the day
Valve Developer Unionthe Valve Developer Union’s goal is to preserve the toolset and knowledge for modding Quake-based games, including games built off Valve Corporation’s GoldSrc and Source engines.
NerdChowCoding tutorial for Half-Life
Half-Life.orgSome interesting articles to read here
Half-Life MuseumA good break down of Half-Life and Half-Life 2, unfortunately it is no longer live.
HL CollectionRussian Mod hosting site dedicated to Half-Life
Weapons of Left 4 DeadWeapons of Left 4 Dead
Editing ArchiveThe Archive serves as a gathering point for people interested in games and game development. The Archive has various features to help unite the community, and bring them together.
pcosmos.caCollection of Half-Life and Opposing Force Mods
ChaosincarnateTools and Tutorials for Source Modding
KV File GeneratorOnline tool that automatically generates a formatted .kv file based on your selection for CS:GO
CS:VelocityOnce another vibrant community from the Counter Strike golden days
WunderboyVery useful Tools and Tutorials for Source Modding
Half-Life WikiEncyclopedia of Half-Life
csgo_serversOfficial mailing for CS:GO Servers
The Weapons Workshopprovided downloads to Hl Models.
Weapons of Insurgency 2Weapons of Insurgency 2
Planet FortressTeam Fortress Based fan site
Half Life ZoneSmall site for Half life related content
ValvetimeGreat source of news on everything Valve related.
Handy VandalDecent oldschool resource for half-life modding
ModdbHuge Database of Mods, tools and tutorials, thriving community and useful rating system
Weapons of Day of DefeatWeapons of Day of Defeat
hl.loessVery useful list of mods for Half Life
Podcast 17Another great collection of podcasts on anything steam, valve or source related
Half-Life CreationsUseful Community for modding tutorials
Team Fortress 2The Official Team Fortress Website
scmapdbTutorials for Sven Co-op
The WallGerman Mapping community with a wealth of Tutorials
Mr Funeral ModsTalented Source Modder with good quality Tutorials
SourcedcHad some decent Mapping tutorials, Worth a look.
Weapons of Black MesaWeapons of Black Mesa
Half-Life 2The Official Half-Life 2 Website
Official mailing listsAsk questions related to mapping, coding and steam services through each mailing list, view the archives as well!
tophattwaffleExcellent tutorials on Source mapping
hl2worldNo longer exists but was once the defacto source of tutorials for HL2 Modding
Type 3 studiosSource Engine mapping and tutorials
Half-Life Mods WikiEncyclopedia of Half-Life Mods
nextwishOld site with useful info on modding for GoldSrc
modsentryGreat resource covering popular game mods
Half-Life Beginners guideDecent attempt to make it easier for newbs to come to grips with the SDK
Alien Swarm WikiEncyclopedia of Alien Swarm
Amphibian ModsAnother great resource for modding, unfortunately lost in Valvetime
Half-Life HQOnce a very busy site for Half-Life
Weapons of Counter-StrikeWeapons of Counter-Strike
VosseyActive French Modding Community
Vanilla Capsuledecent pipe tutorial for Hammer
TenFourOnce a great review site.
Half-Life Editing ResourceSimilar to VERC, decent collection of tutorials here as well as downloads
CeskemodyCzech Modding site with both GoldSrc and Source Content
hl2modcentralA site that had a wealth of useful tutorials but unfortunately lost.
Half-Life DeathMatch GuideGuides for succeeding in HL1DM
Garrys BlogFrom the creator of Garrys mod comes Garrys Blog...
Arbitrary ImpositionSite dedicated to the Gman and his sightings
taz00Some useful source modding tips can be crawled here
VERCVERC Collective (Valve Editing Resource Center) website no longer exists but can be traversed on the wayback machine, Predecessor to VDC
Counter Strike WikiEncyclopedia of Counter Strike
MaxofS2DGifted movie maker and modeler who worked extensively with Source...
Action Half-LifeUseful maps and Tutorials (use the wayback machine to navigate)
Half-Life 2 ModsA collection of all known mods for HL2
gamewagLinks to plenty of mapping and modding tutorials based on Source
Map CoreLegendary Half-life Based Mapping Resource with a Vibrant community
HLDS 101Cool resource explaining how to use the Half-Life Dedicated Server