Half-Life Console Commands CVARS Comprehensive list of Console Commands for Half-Life | | | n / a |
Source for serious games This Academic Paper covers the idea of using the Source Engine to create Serious games or simulations for real life to aid in training. | | | |
Replace a Face Texture in Half-Life 2 DeathMatch This short PDF covers the basic steps required when replacing a face texture on a Source Model. | | | |
Modeling and Animating for Half-Life This Paper goes into detail about the the creation of models and basic animation for the GoldSrc Engine. | | | |
German Translation of Half-Life.doc from the SDK This PDF is a german translation for the documentation that comes with the Half-Life SDK. Author: isolated-design.de, original Title (Übersetzung der Modelling for Half-Life.doc aus dem HL-SDK 2.2) | | | |
Practical Guide to Facial Animation for the Source Engine This PDF covers the overall process in creating a believable facial animation in Source. | | | |
.MAP files, file format description, algorithms, and code This useful Paper goes into detail about the GoldSrc .MAP file format, providing a useful insight on how it works | | | |
Wallworm: Hammered to the Max A Hammer user's guide to Max | | | |
Introduction to Hammer (German) This PDF introduces you to hammer. Written in german by isolated-design.de, original Title(Einführung in den Hammer Editor 3.5) | | | |
Goldsrc Model Compiling Flowchart Really neat flow chart from 303.org on how the compilation process for GoldSrc models | | | n / a |
Valve – New Empolyee Handbook A fearless adventure in knowing what to do when no one’s there telling you what to do | | n / a | |
How to Compile Static or Dynamic models into Half-Life 2 This is a small and concise collection of tutorials in PDF form that cover the creation of models in half-Life 2. | | | |
Half-Life CVAR (console variable/command) List Word Doc listing the console commands for Half-Life | | | |
Low Poly Character Creation This tutorial is for the creation of Low-Poly 'Portable Game Res' real-time characters. | | | |
Plaguefest Little Map making Thread Really useful collection of resources for those interested in modding | | | n / a |
Source InfoSheet This PDF from Valve was an advertisement providing information on the features of the Source Engine. | | | |
Half-Life 2: Quick Reference card. This is a small PDF that includes common shortcuts, installation and system requirements for Half-Life 2 | | | |
Unofficial Half-Life WAD3 and SPRITE file format Specification PDF describing the WAD3 and Sprite formats for Half-Life | | | |
Valve's Steam Controller 3D CAD Source The Source CAD files for Valves Steam Controller | | n / a | |
Source Model Compiling Flowchart Really neat flow chart from 303.org on how the compilation process for Source models | | | n / a |
Halfwit-2 Tutorial Collection Kudos to wazanator for providing the offline backup of Halfwit-2, when the official site was down | | | |
Halfwit-2 Workshop Resources Thanks to wazanator for providing the offline backup of the workshop, when the official site was down | | | |
Wallworm: Anatomy of a Design Team The Wall Worm Source Engine Pipeline | | | |