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Name / Description
How to change your weapon models
This will show you how to change your weapon models.
Converting Models from Quake 2 to Half-Life
Converting Models from Quake 2 to Half-Life
Character Modeling
This tutorial will be the first of a series, taking you through the process of creating a model, it\'s skin, skeleton and animation, then getting it into Half-Life.
Making a 3rd Person Model for Half-Life
Making a 3rd Person Model for Half-Life
Hit Boxes
Hit Boxes
Introduction to modelling using Milkshape 3D
Ben Moss introduces us to the arcane world of model editing
Making the most out of models in GoldSrc
Getting the most out of models in GoldSrc
Counter-Strike: 1.6 Glove Installation
Counter-Strike: 1.6 Glove Installation
Half-Life Weapon Model Profiles
This article details the two weapon models that were released with the Software Developer\'s Kit.
Setting Up 3D Studio Max
Setting Up 3D Studio Max
Milkshape Skinmeshing
Milkshape Skinmeshing
Smoothing Groups / Skin Textures
This tutorial is the second in a series, taking you through the process of creating a model, it\'s skin, skeleton and animation, then getting it into Half-Life.
How to import Crowbar dump files to MilkShape 3D
How to import Crowbar dump files to MilkShape 3D
Too many vertices in model - Tutorial Fix
This is a tutorial of how to fix the problem in milk shape of \'too many vertices in model\' and others possible errors
303 - Blender
Edit qc attachments: muzzleflash, shell eject
Edit qc attachments: muzzleflash, shell eject
How to compile static models made in Blender
In this tutorial you will ONLY learn how to compile your models made in Blender and AND NOT HOW TO MAKE THEM.
Making a World model for Half-Life
Making a World model for Half-Life
303 - Maya
GoldSource Model Texture UV Shift Fix
An unfortunate side effect of compiling & recompiling GoldSrc models is that the model UVs get slightly shifted out of scale when compiled with studiomdl.exe
Modeling for Half-Life - Part 4
The fourth and final part of the first series of modeling tutorials. This one wraps up everything that has been learned
Introduction to Jeds Half-Life Model Viewer
A detailed tutorial covering the features and uses of Jed's HLMV for GoldSrc
Half-Life Animation... An Overview
Half-Life Animation... An Overview
How to port Source Models into GoldSource
A Simple tutorial on how to port non moving models from source into goldsrc
ColdFusion\'s FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions from the old site ColdFusion
How to make a model Killable - Breakable
This tutorial teaches how to make a model vanish when you shoot at it, like chickens of Italy.
Modeling Tutorial
Valve\'s Modeling Tutorial
Goldsource Engine > Tutorials > Other/Misc Rigging, Animating and Compiling a .MDL file

Goldsource Engine > Tutorials > Other/Misc
Rigging, Animating and Compiling a .MDL file
Creating and Editing Bipeds
Rig Weapons On CS 1.6 hands (Portuguese)
Sorry ... but it\'s in portuguese .. but follow the steps you should be fine ..
Milkshape Skeleton Application: Bipeds
SKELETONS IN HALF-LIFE ...a brief overview
A Brief Explanation of Bipeds and Physique
A Brief Explanation of Bipeds and Physique
Re-texturing Models
Want your grunts to have new clothes? Try this.
How to rig sleeves on hands
How to rig sleeves on hands
NPC Model - Rescale, Size and Hull Tutorial
NPC Model - Rescale, Size and Hull Tutorial
Easiest Way in the World to Reorigin Models
Easiest Way in the World to Reorigin Models
303 - MilkShape3D
How to convert CS:S skins to CS 1.6
People, I recommend you stick with 1.6/CZ skins as it will eat up your FPS if you have CS:S skins replacing all your weapons.
Compiling (HL)
To view it in the game, do the following.
Extra Models in Half-Life
These are extra models found in the Half-Life .pak file that were not used in the game.
How to make world models for any goldsource game
How to make world models for any goldsource game
.QC Scripts
.qc scripts are simple text files, edited in Notepad, and are needed to compile a model. They tell studiomdl.exe where the mesh, textures and animations are but more importantly sets up parameters that Half-Life will need.
Reflection effect for Half-Life 1
This trick can either be very hard or very easy, depending the model.
The Making of Dukowski
This article will explain how Pred and I created Dukowski, a multiplayer model for Half-Life.
Modelling for Goldsource
A tutorial from start to finish on how to make models for Goldsource (HL1) which provides all of the beginning modelling knowledge needed, even if you have never modelled before.
vertices problems
vertices problems
Model-Related Console Commands
Model-Related Console Commands
Dead Frames Removal
Dead Frames Removal
GoldSrc Mouth Procedural Animation Tutorial
GoldSrc uses a bone controller to turn audio waveforms into bone rotations. This is how all the scientists and barneys 'talk'
Weapons Screen Bug | How to Fix
Weapons Screen Bug | How to Fix
How to split a mesh up to ease compiling
How to split a mesh up to ease compiling
HL Animating
How to build your first prop for half life - Tutorial
In this tutorial i will teach you how to build a crate box model for Half Life and then how to add some textures to it
Editing Half-Life Models.
The body swap shop.
Mirror a weapon with Milkshape3D
Mirror a weapon with Milkshape3D
Half-Life Model Animations
This is a complete list of all the original models and their animation sequence names.
How To Decompile on GoldSCR
Hello, This is my tutorial for decompile a model in cs 1.6.. You See Help in Pictures.
Rigging player models for cs 1.6 in blender
Rigging player models for cs 1.6 in blender
Skinmeshing in Studio Max
Skinmeshing in Studio Max
How to export models from Blender and compile them for GoldSrc
Detailed tutorial on the model creation pipeline from blender to GoldSrc
Making a World model for Half-Life
Making a World model for Half-Life
Easy way to install skins
Easy way to install skins
Rigging Characters for Half-Life (3ds MAX)
This tutorial will get yourself familiarized with the process of \'rigging\' a character for Half-Life.
How to easily optimize your model with a blender
How to easily optimize your model with a blender
Converting Source models to Goldsource
In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert models from the source engine (Half-life 2) to the goldsource engine with minimal quality loss.
Counter-strike 1.6 how to edit animations.
This is the best tutorial for learning animations, in 9 simple steps.
Deathbog\'s Model Replacement Tutorial
Model Replacement Tutorial by Deathbog
Setting up 3Ds Max 9
This tutorial will show beginner modelers how to set up 3Ds Max 9 for essentially any GoldSRC game.
Skeletal Animation: An Introduction
An Introduction to skeletal Animation
Modelling For Half-Life
In this article I will address what it will take to create models for Half-Life.
Model Baked Physics Tutorial - 3DSMax
aked Physics in 3DSMax with \'MassFX\'
Editing vertex normals for better foliage (3dsmax)
Editing vertex normals for better foliage (3dsmax)
Milkshape 3D: Make phong
Screenshot say it all, sorry doesn\'t have video
Porting prop models from cs:go map to map cs 1.6
Porting prop models from cs:go map to map cs 1.6
Setting Up Your Milkshape Workspace
Setting Up Your Milkshape Workspace
How to make p_, w_ models + other stuff
How to make p_, w_ models + other stuff
How to easily change a weapon\'s origin in Cz/Cs
How to easily change a weapon\'s origin in Cz/Cs
All scripted sequences for all models.
for half-life 1
Fix freeze ported animations with fragMOTION
Fix freeze ported animations with fragMOTION
Basics in Meshediting
All scripted sequences for all models.
In this document I'll describe all scripted secuences of all models in the pak0.pak file in the half-life directory.
Switching hands (right-left)
Switching hands (right-left)
Making the Skeleton
This tutorial is the third in a series, taking you through the process of creating a model, it\'s skin, skeleton and animation, then getting it into Half-Life.
GoldSrc Model Tutorial - Basics
Hello, and welcome to the GoldSrc model exporting video tutorial. This tutorial covers exporting models using 3DStudio Max and MilkShape 3D
Making P Models with MS3D
Making P Models with MS3D
Modeling / 2D Art Frequently Asked Questions
Modeling / 2D Art Frequently Asked Questions
Animating Walk
Here is a new tutorial for MilkShape 3D! This time, animating a model so it will reproduce the walk animation.
Fix smoothing errors with Blender
Because smoothing errors make it awful.
Create a Draw animation (MS3D)
I am just showing how I do my draw animations
How to port weapons models from cs:go to cs 1.6
How to port weapons models from cs:go to cs 1.6
Back to Idle | How to Fix
Back to Idle | How to Fix
Half-Life Deathmatch Model Profiles
This article details the four deathmatch player models that were released with Half-Life. It will give you an idea of polygon limits, how skins are set up, the skeleton, animations and multiplayer bitmap.
How to chop UV Mesh
Today I\'ll show you how to chopping UV mesh on your model.
Creating and Editing Bipeds
Tips for adjusting a v_ Model for Half-Life
Tips for adjusting a v_ Model for Half-Life
Decompile a Goldsrc .MDL file without UV shifts
finally discovered the way to decompile any goldsrc model while keeping the UVs 100% stable!
Milkshape Skeleton Application
Milkshape Skeleton Application
Model-Related Console Commands
Model-Related Console Commands
303 - fragMOTION
Port arms models from cs:go to cs 1.6
Port arms models from cs:go to cs 1.6
How to bring .mdl files into Milkshape and 3DSMax
How to bring .mdl files into Milkshape and 3DSMax
Want To Make Models, Skins, Or Sprites?
Want To Make Models, Skins, Or Sprites?
How to start with Milkshape 3D
Setting up Milkshape 3D
GoldSource Model Compile/Decompile Flowchart
A quick reference for GoldSource model compiling and decompiling. Includes links.
GoldSource Model Compile Command Glossary
This is the GoldSrc QC compile commands glossary. It is important to note that any of the commands must not be capitalized or you will get compile errors.
Making a World model for Half-Life
Making a World model for Half-Life
Creating models of skins from cs go in quality HD
Creating models of skins from cs go in quality HD
How to Change weapons textures
On this tutorial, we will teach you how to change weapon textures.
G-max, Things you need to know
G-max, Things you need to know
Basic Modeling Techniques
Here are some modeling techniques to prepare you for my upcoming tutorials.
Sven Co-op Playermodel Compile-O-Matic
Create your own Sven Co-op playermodels
Setting up 3D Studio Max
Setting up 3D Studio Max
Model Baked Physics Tutorial - Introduction
Model Baked Physics Tutorial
303 - 3D Studio Max
3D Studio Max
Digital Sculpting - A Tutorial
Digital Sculpting - A Tutorial
How to make player models for any goldsource game
How to make player models for any goldsource game
How To: Prepare for your first model (Point Modeling)
How To: Prepare for your first model (Point Modeling)
Bipeds in HL
SELETONS IN HALF-LIFE ...a brief overview
Model Baked Physics Tutorial - Blender
Baked Physics in Blender
(Milkshape) Hand Changing Tutorial
One of the most common requests is for people to change the hands on a weapon.
Some Tips in making models using Trinity Render
Useful Tips when Compiling a Vee Model on a Trinity Render Engine
Milkshape: Creating a new model in Milkshape and adding it to Half-Life
How to create a new monster model in Milkshape, create an .MDL file, and add it as a new entity into your MOD using the monster_generic and scripted_sequence entities.
Sven-Coop Playermodel Color Remap Tutorial
Sven-Coop Playermodel Color Remap Tutorial
Figure Mode
Figure Mode
Model Transparency Tutorial
This tutorial describes the process of creating models with masked and additive textures.
How to swap Valve or Gearbox Hands (Easy and Fast)
How to swap Valve or Gearbox Hands (Easy and Fast)
Sven Co-op Fullbright Model Textures Tutorial
Sven Co-op models supports a texture QC flag called 'fullbright' which basically means the texture will be drawn at full brightness at all times.
CS/CZ Skin Installing!
CS/CZ Skin Installing!
Making your first Model
How to port GTA mods to CS
How to port GTA mods to CS
Bipeds in HL
Explanation of bipeds
Fixing \'flat shade\' bug
Fixing \'flat shade\' bug
Skinning Basics
Welcome to my tutorial on the basics for learning to skin for a HL1 game.
How To Simply Rig A Counter Strike 1.6 Player Model For Half Life
In This Tutorial I Will Show You How To Rig Any Player Model From Counter Strike 1.6 Or Condition Zero To Work As A Human Grunt In Half Life
Source → GoldSource
For this example, I\'m porting the shotgun from Half-Life 2
Otis\' Scripted Sequence Reference
Otis\' Scripted Sequence Reference
303 - kHED
Compiling Your Model
A brief explanantion of how a HalfLife model compiles
some QC scripting
many peaple know about the qc file but does not know how to edit a model through it.
Animating in Milkshape 3D
I\'ve decided to release some tips for some of you who still animate using Milkshape 3D.
Skinmeshing Tutorial
Skinmeshing Tutorial
Changing Origins
Changing Origins
Half-Life Weapon Model Profiles
This article details the two weapon models that were released with the Software Developer's Kit. It will give you an idea of polygon limits, texture limits, the skeletons and animations.
Creating a working CS model using Milkshape 3D
Creating a working CS model using Milkshape 3D
Chrome\" in GoldSrc is a special texture mode that allows for a simple environment-like texture
GoldSrc Model Troubleshooting List
Digital Scultping - A Tutorial
Digital Scultping
This tutorial is intended for people with a basic knowledge of 3d studio max r3 or 2.5.
Modeling for Half-Life - Part 3
Part 3 of the modeling series. This tutorial will bring you up to speed on the process of texturing.
Weapons Chrome Effect | How to
Weapons Chrome Effect | How to
Modeling for Half-Life - Part 1
Part 1 of a series of tutorials that will teach you how to model for Half-Life, using the program MilkShape 3D.
Milkshape UV Mapping tutorial
Milkshape UV Mapping tutorial
Making a 3rd Person Model for Half-Life
Making a 3rd Person Model for Half-Life
Weapons Modelling Tutorial
Weapons Modelling Tutorial
Modeling for Half-Life - Part 2
Part 2 of the modeling series. This tutorial covers grouping. You've read the first, now read the next.
Milkshape 3D Basics & Fundamentals
A tutorial on the fundamentals and basic use of Milkshape 3D
Hitboxes in HL
Generating Htiboxes
How to use Sequence .SMDs decompiled by Crowbar
Problems compiling Source sequence files decompiled by crowbar?
Half-Life Animation: An Overview
Half-Life Animation: An Overview
Adding blood trails to gibs using P2 Model Viewer
Probably easiest tutorial ever, you can add Quake 1 blood trails to gibs without any coding at all