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Name / Description
Radio Voices
This tutorial modifies the client dll (in codedir\\cl_dll) to play audio sounds.
Sensor Mine
Sensor Mine
Impulse 101
This tutorial teach a very simple way to edit, remove the cheating Impulse 101 code.
Changing Multiplayer Weapon Damages
To change the weapon values for multiplayer games simply open up the multiplay_gamerules.cpp
Client Side word censoring
how to add old school Client Side word censoring
Half-Life Programming Planet Snippet Collection
Collection of coding snippets that may or may not work, use a a reference when building your mod
Rescaling the easiest way
You want the most easy way to rescale halflife
Voice API in SDK 2.2
Voice API in SDK 2.2
Getting Started
Getting Started
Coding Fog
How to code in some fog in your mod
WaterMatch (German)
Clearing Decals
This snippet gives you some simple code to utilize the client side decal clearing function to wipe all decals from the map for a round reset, or whatever.
Weapon Categories
Weapon Categories
Client dll Coding Tutorial #2
Drawing a Special Credit String on the clients head's up display
Using the Persistence Engine with Half-Life
This article describes first line-by-line how to create a program that uses the Persistence Engine, and then suggests some ways to use it in a Half-Life mod.
Changing maximum allowed weapons to 45
Changing maximum allowed weapons to 45
This article describes the principles behind coding a VGUI HUD by piggy backing off the existing HUD, seriously reducing the amount of code needed.
Custom Model Entity
This is a tutorial on making a custom model entity.
Create a Cloaked Stealth Suit in Half-Life
Introduction to Half-Life coding
Introduction to Half-Life coding
Respawning Monsters in MP (concept)
I will now explain how I did monster respawning in MP
Another Way To Make Those Cute Lil Houndeyes Not So Cute
Another Way To Make Those Cute Lil Houndeyes Not So Cute
Bullet FlyBy
Bullet FlyBy (German)
Nebel in HL (SDK 2.2)
Nebel in HL (SDK 2.2) (German)
Bot Tutorial 101
Basics of coding bots in Half-Life
How to Make a Desert-Eagle (SDK2.2)
How to make a Desert-Eagle
Drop primary gun instead of weapon box
When a player dies drop primary weapon rather than weapon box
Temporary Entities
what temporary entities are and how to use them in Half-Life
Slots/positions Fix
Slots/positions Fix
Weapon Categories Fix
Chumtoad firing hornet gun
Chumtoad firing hornet gun
Okay this tutorial covers how to create a parachute like the one in firearms
View Turrets through Barrel
View Turrets through Barrel
RPG Item Dropper
RPG Item Dropper
SDK2 Basics: String handling
The way that strings are handled internally in the SDK can be confusing to start with.
3 Mode Zoom For Mp5
3 Mode Zoom For Mp5
HL's Color Indexing System (fixed/changed)
HL's Color Indexing System (fixed/changed)
Recoil (German)
MP3 Player
Add MP3 support to Half-Life
'Dynamic' skies in Half-Life
Controllable skies
Customizable Hud Color
Customizable Hud Color
All About messages in Half-Life
This tutorial will describe the basics of adding new HUD componants to the client dll
Improved Freeze Grenades
I have found a way to make Better Freeze Grenades
Rescaling Half-Life
Rescaling Half-Life
Adding muzzle flashes that also light up world brushes
Adding muzzle flashes that also light up world brushes
Proximity Fuse for Satchels
Proximity Fuse for Satchels
Advanced script for Smooth Zoom
Script for smooth zooming in and out in Half-Life.
New Menuing System Tutorial
In this tutorial, we are going to go through the steps necessary to create a menuing system for Half-Life similar to the one for Quake 2.
Weapon Selection Fix
This tut will fix the weapon select bug where weapons that have ran out of primary ammo but still have secondary ammo are not selectable.
Getting an entity to point at you while it fires
Challenge based article about getting an entity to point at you while it fires
Introduction to the Sourcecode
Introduction to the Sourcecode
Stop Grenade Tumbling
Ever noticed that grenade the MP5 fires tumbles end over end in the air
Modding Weapons (Ammo, Weight etc)
This tutorial will teach you how to edit the ammo per clip, how fast you walk with a weapon and much more!
Creating a Vampire gamestyle
The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to create a whole new game type in 12 lines
Quick Hints and Tips
Here is a collection of quick hints and tips that various people have asked me, but I cant be bothered to write a whole article about...
Making A Semi-Automatic Handgun
Making A Semi-Automatic Handgun
Custom Player Animations
This tutorial will explain what you need todo in order to get a custom player animation to play.
Creating a Mad Scientist Entity
Simple tutorial on creating a custom entity
Controlling Player Speeds
This tutorial shows how to enable you to set what speeds the player can go, and force them to remain at those speeds.
Orthogonale TriAPI
Orthogonale TriAPI (German)
Player-guided weapons
Make the RPG like the UT redeemer, easy!
HEV Chargers with larger charging capacity
HEV Chargers with larger charging capacity
Adding new bullet types
In this tutorial I will go over how to add new bullet types.
Explode Shake (UPDATE)
Explode Shake (UPDATE)
Better Third Person Camera
Simple snippet for a better third person camera with player fading.
AI Tutorial - Part 2
Today we are going to make our monster kill
Viewport Management
Tutorial covering the creation of multiple viewports
Function Overloading
Function Overloading is useful when you have a function that you want to do several different things with
SDK2 Basics: Creating a new entity class and adding it to your level
How to create a simple variant of the CGameText class and add it to the available entities in Worldcraft.
Scripting with sequence files
Scripting with sequence files
Egon Beam Observer Fix
For eye-mode specators
Code a CS AK47 into Half-Life
Erstellen einer schallgedämpften USP
Creating a Silenced USP (German)
Particle Engine tutorial part 1
Part 1 in 5 part series
Dynamic Lighting
Dynamic Lighting
Ping Rating
Ping Rating
Door Fix
It seems the door entities have a bug, if they are blocked, the moving sound gets played continuously even after the door closes or opens.
TURRETS - Targeting Laser Spot
Here's how to get the little red dot on turrets.
Creating New Entities
ow to create a brand new entity! + writing the FGD
Weapon flags
Every Half-Life weapon have flags. For example MP5
Half-Life''s Color Indexing System
This tutorial is meant for the people who are confused about how Half-Life uses its color index's.
The Weapons Tutorial - Part Three
add a complete, fully functional new weapon to Half-Life (and that includes the HUD componants!)
Dead Icon
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to add a dead-icon to the scoreboard.
2 zoom sniper scope
2 zoom sniper scope
TFC Rocket Launcher
Add a TFC Rocket Launcher in Half-Life
Half-life's hidden physics code
Half life contains some extra code dealing with dead body physics
Weapon Modifications
Weapon Modifications
HUD Graphics for Half-Life
This tutorial almost completely explains how to do HUD graphics.
Basic Weapon Coding Reference
here are the basic things you need in a normal weapon
Dynamically Resizing Models
Dynamically Resizing Models
Turning speed of an entity
Challenge based article covering the turning speed of an entity
Entity Effects on View Model
Add Entity Effects on a View Model
Bullet Chasecam
Bullet Chasecam (German)
Instant Firing Rockets (like in TFC)
Instant Firing Rockets (like in TFC)
The Half-Life DLL
Finding your way around the Half-Life DLL
RPG Power
make the RPG a little more powerful
Team name fix for SDK 2.2
Here is a fix for people having problems with DarkKnight's team VGUI tutorial
How to create a server-client message
This article describes, step-by-step, how to create a message which can be sent from the server-side to the client-side.
Weapon Ammo Modification, Etc.
Weapon Ammo Modification, Etc.
Basing one monster class off another
Basing one monster class off another
Adding User Variables to Half-Life
Adding User Variables to Half-Life
Blood bursts
In this tutorial I will teach you how to use the UTIL_Bloodstream effect.
Turn off flashlight after player death
Turn off flashlight after player death
Where DiD I Hit Him (Update)
Where DiD I Hit Him (Update)
CTF Gameplay Part 3
Setting up Client side and FGD
Homing Missle
Create a homing missile in Half-Life
Customising the HUD colour
Customising the HUD colour
AI Tutorial - Part 1
This tut will cover a new monster who can sit in your map, and run away if you shoot at it.
Respawn Delay (When Dead, Not When Spawn)
Respawn Delay (When Dead, Not When Spawn)
Changing Weapon Damage Outside the Dll
In this tutorial I will show you how to change the weapon damages without recompiling the dll
Adding New skill.cfg Entries
Adding New skill.cfg Entries
Spawnpoints (German)
GameRules - Part 1
Adding Two-Team Deathmatch to Your Mod (part 3 & 4 are missing)
Blended color indication
Blended color indication
Making an InstallShield Installer
Making an InstallShield Installer for your Mod
Introduction to GoldSrc Programming - Setting up Visual Studio
A detailed tutorial covering the setup of Visual Studio for work with GoldSrc
Smoke Grenade
Code a Smoke Grenade
VGUI HUD Suppliment (Part 2)
Alright, you made it this far, now there isn''t much more to be done, you have the basis already, now we just gotta do some normal VGUI code. Adding panels and labels and such. So, lets get started...
Crosshair Tutorial
Crosshair Tutorial (German)
Half-life1 Coding: 4digits on HUD and 9999 ammo on clip
Second part of the tutorial, that includes the modification of the HUD to show 4 digits on ammo, and the modificacion on the client-server message for the weapon magazine.
Client-Side Waffen-Coding
Client-Side Waffen-Coding (German)
Creating a Dash key
This tutorial will show you how to setup a new key and console command, which can then be used in game to make the player sprint when holding the key
Basic Half-Life Weapon Coding
Basic Half-Life Weapon Coding
Scavenger Hunt AI Tutorial
Heres another tutorial for bots. This one on creating some basic bot item search code.
No gun dropping after death
No gun dropping after death
Advanced: Understanding the Monster AI (part 2)
Second part of the AI tutorial. Covers how events are triggered from the monsters animation definitions (.qc file), and some addtional info on Monster Attacks.
Holster Animation
Holster Animation
Creating a New VGUI Menu - Part 2
Panels, Labels, Buttons, and Commands
Creating a Sniper Rifle in the 2.2 SDK
Creating a Sniper Rifle in the 2.2 SDK
VGUI HUD Suppliment (Part 1)
Ok, now, for starters, this tutorial will explain how to set the HUD up, and just get the basis.
Particle Engine tutorial part 2
Part 2 in 5 part series
Das Half-Life Serverprotokoll
Das Half-Life Serverprotokoll (German)
Half-Life Graphics Part 2 - EfxAPI
Half-Life Graphics Part 2 - EfxAPI (German)
Bot Tutorial 2
In this one I hope to start on some of the navigation code and the bots use of ladders.
Homing Rockets with no laser spot
Homing Rockets with no laser spot in Half-Life
Dynamic NPC Stepping Sound
Replace default set of NPC stepping sounds with the set from the texture they're walking on.
SDK2 Basics: Adding a new monster with default AI
How to add a new monster to your maps.
Change host players ping on the scoreboard to 'Host'
Change host players ping on the scoreboard to 'Host'
Launch 3 Rockets
Launch 3 Rockets
Complete Freedom of Rotation
Changing view angles with quaternions
Hand Cannon
How to convert the .12 Gauge shotgun into a Hand Cannon
Taunting Crowbar
Very simple done, this you now be able to taunt other players when you have the crowbar out.
Advanced script for Holstering Weapon
Script for a slightly better illusion of holstering and re-equipping weapon in Half-Life.
Radio System
This tutorial is made to help you create a Radio System (like CS). With sounds and team only messages.
Half-Life Observer Mode Tutorial
Half-Life Observer Mode Tutorial
Creating Different Colored Menus
Fairly simple put, it allows you to create menus of different colors.
Rendering a wireframe of maps yourself
CoD/Halo style weapon switching
How to implement call of Duty/Halo style weapon slots and switching.
Team Spawn Points Fixed!
Bigguys Team Spawn Points had a couple of errors, so here is how your fix them.
Decals for every mp5 bullet (FIX)
Decals for every mp5 bullet (FIX)
Old Menus System
Old Menus System
Shooting through walls
Shooting through walls
Changing the Default Multiplayer Weapons
Changing the weapons a player spawns with is very easy, very simple.
Freeze Grenades
Freeze Grenades
C++ Review
C++ Cheat Sheet
Health/Armor color blending
Health/Armor color blending
Add cl_righthand to your mod
This is for Half-Life 1 and the GoldSrc engine
TeamKiller Kicking
This tut will show you how do add a function to your code that will check a players teamkill amount and justify it with an action. So here we go.
This is going to be a fairly long tutorial on the basic data types of C.
Half-Life Graphics Part2: EfxAPI
An overview of all the useful UTIL_ and efxAPI functions for drawing 3d sprites, shaking and fading the screen, drawing beams + decals, temporary models etc.
Adding new weapons 2.2 sdk PART 2
Light Effect After an Grenade (Very Fast)
Light Effect After an Grenade (Very Fast)
How to make a key that toggles
If players want to remain in a position (such as crouch or prone) for extended periods of time, this could lead to fatigue, here's how you can alleviate that with some clever manipulation of the button code.
HUD Sprites
Understanding hud.txt
Change the mp5 grenade launcher to a Shotgun-cannon Fix.
Change the mp5 grenade launcher to a Shotgun-cannon Fix.
Fixing Valve's bouncy crouch code
Notice how if you tap your crouch key very fast you bounce? This code will fix that.
A New Weapon Challenge
Challenge based article about adding a new weapon to Half-Life
Dynamic colored lights - model color fix
Dynamic colored lights - model color fix
Reloadable HornetGun FIX
I tested my tutorial and found out that there was an error with the reloading with secondary attack so im attempting ot fix it
This tuturial helps you set your speed this tuturial is really easy.
Debugging in Visual Studio 6
Debugging in Visual Studio 6
Weapon Clips and such
Weapon Clips and such
Using INI configuration files properly
Using INI configuration files properly
Good Homing Rockets
This tutorial shows how to change the rpg rockets to home in on the closest living thing besides you.
Mp5 Burst
Mp5 Burst
Client dll Coding Tutorial #1
Drawing a Special Credit Number on the clients head's up display!
Round based system
Round based system
Silenced Glock
Silenced Glock
Minikarte im HUD
Minikarte im HUD (German)
Guass Fix
Guass Fix
Where is Poppy - Setting up a GoldSrc Mod
In this, the first part in the 'Where is Poppy' modding tutorial series i highlight the steps required for setting up your GoldSrc Mod for its first run
6 shot magnum
In this tutorial we are going to make the secondary fire of the python fire off all six rounds.
This tutorial shows how to make an M16 assault rifle, with an optional silencer, just like the M4 rifle from Counter-Strike.
Hints on how to program a Half-Life mod
This article tries to give hints to would-be HL mod authors in many different aspects of the programming experience.
Particle Engine tutorial part 3
Part 3 in 5 part series
Custom DrawHudString
This tutorial will alter the existing DrawHudString function in the CHud Class, we will be adding the ability for colored text and different draw modes.
Faster clicking equals faster shots
Faster clicking equals faster shots
Make a Medic
Make a Medic
A smoke grenade
Difficulty rating: easy. This relies heavily on existing Halflife grenade code and has almost nothing original.
CTF Gameplay Part 2
Creating the Capture Point
Adding a Diablo View Effect
In this tut, i will show you how to add a diablo camera effect to your mod.
Shotgun w/ slugs and buckshot
This tutorial is about how to create a Shotgun with two types of ammo (slugs and buckshot).
Where Did I Hit Him (Update 2)
Where Did I Hit Him (Update 2)
Half-Life Server Protocol
This article is a reference to a method of using the server protocol with PHP
Creating a New VGUI Menu - Part 3
Editboxes and Images
Old Menus Fix
Old Menus Fix
FOV and LOS Checks
Checking line of sight and field of view
Higher Res for VGUI Images
This article shows you how to quickly change the default 320 & 640 .tga image sizes to fit whatever resolution a player is using.
Dash Key Part 2
Stamina controlled sprint
Class System Tutorial
There are a few ways of implementing a class system.
Placing Breakpoints
Placing Breakpoints
Good Half-Life Net Play
Things that effect network stats during gameplay
Advanced script for Slow Motion (bullet time)
Script for a kind of smooth slow motion (bullet time) in Half-Life.
Making a Flashbang
Tutorial on making a flashbang grenade, complete with CS-style screen fading & concussion effect.
Spreadsystem (German)
Drop NOTHING on death
Drop NOTHING on death
Alias's, Scripts, and Binds.
This is a brief guide explaining the differences between Alias's, Scripts, and Binds.
Funcs for Round system
Funcs for Round system
Static Water Simulation
Static Water Simulation
Wall Puff
This tutorial will show you how to add clientside smoke puffs. You'll need a sprite that's compiled as an additive.
Quick Guide to Debugging
Quick Guide to Debugging
Weapon Strength
how to change the strength of weapons
Triple-Bolt Crossbow
Triple-Bolt Crossbow
Adding new monster factions
this tutorial will show you how to add new factions to monsters.
Decals for every mp5 bullet
Decals for every mp5 bullet
Hud Bars (Statussäulen)
Hud Bars (Statussäulen) (German)
Startup Edits
Specify the weapons and ammo players spawn with via your server.cfg or listenserver.cfg
Changing Blood and HUD Colors
Heres a short tutorial on how to change the HUD and blood colors. Really simple.
Shooting through walls
Shooting through walls
Building the Half-Life DLLs
with the Microsoft Command-Line Compiler
In-game Player Menus
In-game Player Menus
Scissoring Sprites
instead of defining the area the sprite CANNOT be drawn in, you instead define the area the sprite CAN be drawn in.
Blast Soundwave Effect From a Weapon
Blast Soundwave Effect From a Weapon
Freezing a Player
Freezing a Player while shooting a weapon
Creating your Menu Bitmasks
Creating your Menu Bitmasks in Half-Life
TURRETS in Half-Life
Basics on C++ Objects and Inheritance
Basics on C++ Objects and Inheritance
The final sentry will look and work something like the sentries in TFC that the engineers build, we are going to have a phase when a player builds the sentry and can give it ammo and rockets.
Removing blood and gibs from Half Life
This tutorial will show you how to remove blood and gore from Half Life.
TriAPI BreakOut
Hud game
Dynamic Lighting
I'll show you how to make monsters attacks light up world brushes
Half-Life Graphics Part 1: 2D Sprites
All you ever wanted to know about drawing 2d sprites on the HUD.
Different Classes In Every Team (FIX)
Different Classes In Every Team (FIX)
Debugging your dlls
Debugging your dlls for your Mod
Activities and Sequences
This is a brief description of the difference between an activity and a sequence. I expect it will be fleshed out in time.
Improved Spectatormode for Teamplay
Improved Spectatormode for Teamplay
Chumtoad firing hornetgun correction
Chumtoad firing hornetgun correction
Booby trap satchel
In this tutorial we will add a new type of Satchel using the weapons box as a model.
Half-life1 Coding: More than 254 of ammo
In hl1 you can simply edit the max_ammo_carry of certain ammo type but the hud would show up to 254 of ammo, this is because the message that send the info to the client uses a byte value for it.
Where is Poppy - Your First Custom Entity
In this, the second part in the 'Where is Poppy' modding tutorial series I take you through the steps for creating your own custom mesh loading entity
HuD Colouring
This tutorial will cover the Basics for changing the colour of the HUD in HL
Gman 2
Ever wanted to use gman twice in a map with a different look?
Changing Armour colours
What this code will do is change the armour hud colours depending on how much armour you actually have.
1 Swing Crowbar
make the crowbar only swing once when held
Tungsten Arrows
Ricochets of walls.
Short Essay about most common functions in C++ for HL Coders
This is going to be a fairly long tutorial on some basic functions in HL SDK.
Real-Time 'TRON 2.0' Glow in Half-Life
Real-Time 'TRON 2.0' Glow in Half-Life
New HL HUD Message System
I noticed that a lot of bandwidth is consumed when trying to display a HUD Message. To fix this I coded a new type of message system that uses a lot less bandwidth.
Proximity Satchels UPDATED
Proximity Satchels UPDATED
VGUI HUD Suppliment (Part 1)(FIX)
It has been brought to my attention that people are having problems with their OTHER VGUI menus after doing this HUD tutorial... ie: no mouse control. I have found the cause, and figured out how to fix it.
Make a player fly
Make a player fly
Unsichtbarkeit (German)
Jumping and Landing Sounds
Jumping and Landing Sounds
Installing Your Mod on Steam
Have you tried to install your mod on steam and you just can't do it well i aim to give a little insight into this problem.
Re-enabling the TFC concussion effect
Re-enabling the TFC concussion effect
Weapons that use!
Very simple tutorial, but it will teach you how to allow a weapon to 'use' objects, just like when the player hits the use key.
Mp3 Fix
Mp3 Fix
Your First Program
Here I will show you a fast and simple program and demonstrate the basics of C
How to use UTIL_ScreenShake
Hello children, today i'll teach you how to use the UTIL_ScreenShake. Well actually it's really easy, you just gotta know what everything does.
VGUI HUD Tutorial - Part 3
This tutorial will explain how to add the current name of the weapon the player is using to the HUD we created earlier.
HLSDK Engine Notes
HLSDK Engine Notes
View Roll When Strafing (like DMC)
View Roll When Strafing (like DMC)
Colour attributes for Menus
Colour attributes for Menus
TURRETS - Secondary Fire
Here's how you PREPARE a turret to support the secondary fire mode.
MP3 player in HL
MP3 player in HL
Your First MOD
good introduction to starting a Half-Life Mod
.MAP to .DXF Conversion
Hammer code that converts a map from standard .map format to .dxf format
The Power of CVARs!
The Power of CVARs!
Entity Variables
The more coding you do, the more you'll start talking about the 'pev'
Make a Particle Burst When a Player Joins (Like Q1/Q2)
Make a Particle Burst When a Player Joins (Like Q1/Q2)
Adding Weapons in 2.2 sdk PART 1
Okay, so you want to add your own weapon to the 2.2 sdk?
SDK2 Basics: How to send messages between the client and game DLLs
Half-Life is split into two DLLs - client.dll and hl.dll.
Medkit Bugfix
Medkit Bugfix
Hitboxes and Code
In Half-Life you may have noticed sparks appear when you shoot barney's helmet or an alien grunt's armor.
Smoke trail behind player
Smoke trail behind player
Different Classes In Every Team
Different Classes In Every Team
Crosshair Tutorial Nr.2
Crosshair Tutorial Nr.2 (German)
Palette.lmp file
Quake style particle effects disabled but present in goldsrc
MP3-Entity erstellen
MP3-Entity erstellen (German)
Roter Bildschirm bei Schaden
Roter Bildschirm bei Schaden (German)
Half-Life's In-Game Visibility Determination
Where would we be without visibility determination?
Using Glowshell
I am writing this tutorial because there are no tutorials on this that I can find and this effect is easy to make if you know what to do. This tutorial will be easy for people who are new to Half-Life Modding.
Half-Life Team System With VGUI Menu w/SDK 2.2
Half-Life Team System With VGUI Menu w/SDK 2.2
Improved MP5 Burst
Improved MP5 Burst
Disable The FoV Command
Disable The FoV Command
This tutorial will somewhat describe how to create a completely new turret.
How to Make your Death Msg more like you
How to Make your Death Msg more like you
Particle Systems: The Theory
Particle Systems: The Theory
How to Compile the Half-Life Standard SDK on the Linux Platform
How to Compile the Half-Life Standard SDK on the Linux Platform
VGUI Scope
This tutorial is a step-by-step guide to creating a VGUI Sniper Scope.
SDK2 Basics: Looking at a simple entity class
This is a quick look to see what an existing entity class, CGameText, does and how it works.
Menus in Half-Life
Menus in Half-Life
Exploding Rounds for the Python
Exploding Rounds for the Python
Beheading Zombies
Beheading Zombies
View Roll On Strafe
This tutorial will show you how to achieve the view rolling effect while strafing, as in DMC and AHL
Making a NailGun
Making a NailGun
Non-Exploding Snarks
This tutorial explains how to have snarks that don't explode after 15 seconds in your mod.
Hash Tables
Hash Tables
Frags for killing Monsters in MP
Frags for killing Monsters in MP
Snark Trails
This tutorial, while not hard to do, gives a great effect; with snarks leaving behind a smoke trail as they run.
Change Armor Spawn
This tuturial will help you to change the armor you are spawning with
Adding a zoom to the mp5
adding zoom functinality to your mp5
Custom AABB collision boxes for an entity
How do you use the existing AABB collision system in Half-Life to provide a more precise collision model of an object? You simply fill it with smaller objects! Read on for more details.
Gauss Teleporter
Gauss Teleporter
Spectator-style camera with clipping
Spectator-style camera with clipping
Realistic Reflections in Real-Time
Realistic Reflections in Real-Time
The Weapons Tutorial - Part Two
The second part builds upon the more general information learnt in the first, describing how it applies to each of the original half-life weapons.
Gman 2
Ever wanted to use gman twice in a map with a different look?
Particle System
Particle System (German)
Hiding in Shadow
In this article I will explain how to make a monster disregard the player if they're within a certain level of light
Printing messages to a client
how to print stuff to a client
Changing max ammo/clip capacities
Changing max ammo/clip capacities
Sparks & Smokepuffs fix
Sparks & Smokepuffs fix
How to change the tripmine beam color in the console
How to change the tripmine beam color in the console
Weapon Droppings
Weapon Droppings
View model rendering tut fix
View model rendering tut fix
Random Terrain Generation
Random Terrain Generation
Throwable Crowbar
Code a Throwable Crowbar
How To Enable HLTV In Your Mod
How To Enable HLTV In Your Mod
MP3-Dateien in HL abspielen
MP3-Dateien in HL abspielen (German)
Explosion Shake
Explosion Shake
Making A Player Fly
This is a tutorial teaching you how to make a flying system in half-life
Tripmines with configurable beam brightness
Tripmines with configurable beam brightness
Set Up a liblist.gam
Set Up a liblist.gam
TriAPI based scope-masking system
Revision 4
Simulating Randomness
Simulating Randomness
Radar System
Radar System
Remove the minus frag when killed self
You want to kill yourself and dont get minus points?
HUD Health Bar
HUD Health Bar
Adding new monster classes
Adding new monster classes
Better Weapon Droping
Better Weapon Droping
Half-Life Graphics Part 1 - 2D Sprites
Half-Life Graphics Part 1 - 2D Sprites (German)
Weapon Names on the HUD
Weapon Names on the HUD
TFC Concussion Fix
TFC Concussion Fix
User Input Processing System
User Input Processing System
Change the mp5 grenade launcher to a Shotgun-cannon.
Change the mp5 grenade launcher to a Shotgun-cannon.
Advanced: Building an in-game menu entity
How to develop a new entity that handles menus in game (ala counterstrike's 'buy weapons' menu).
Clientside richoche sounds
This tutorial will tell you how to make clientside richoche sounds. That basicly means, if you shoot at metal railings, then you hear metal richoche's etc.
Counterstrike Gameplay
Counterstrike Gameplay
Painlessly Drawing TriAPI In Orthogonal Mode
I decided to whip up this tutorial to show you the simplicity of drawing triangles in orthogonal mode using TriAPI
Bump Mapping in Half-Life
e. It adds detail where there was none before, and provides a much enhanced visual experience.
Observer Tutorial
create an observer mode for your mod
TO Recoil
TO Recoil
Solid Triggers
This is really a reference tutorial which will help you create your own solid based entities for things like the CS Buy Area.
MP5 to Chain gun
MP5 to Chain gun
Super Sharp MP5
This is an easy way to change the widespread of the MP5 into a much smaller one.
Advanced script for Mouse Wheel Zoom
Script for smooth mouse wheel zooming in and out in Half-Life.
Particles FIXes and improvements
Particles FIXes and improvements
Team Spawn Point Fix
okay, make sure to do BigGuy's tut on team spawn points first
Cluster grenades, a complete new weapon for Half-Life
Create a new weapon for Half-Life
Model Classes
Model Classes in Half-Life
Sparks & Smokepuffs
Sparks & Smokepuffs
Changing the HUD color
Changing the HUD color
Real-Time 'TRON 2.0' Glow For Low-Spec Hardware
Real-Time 'TRON 2.0' Glow For Low-Spec Hardware
CTF Gameplay Part 1
Creating the Flag Entity
Downloading and setting up the Half-Life SDK
Understanding hud.txt
Waffensystem (German)
Reloadable Hornet Gun
How to make a reloadable hornet gun
Snark-Dropping Crossbow
Snark-Dropping Crossbow
Using the ALERT function
Using the ALERT function
Orthogonal Drawing with TriAPI
I decided to whip up this tutorial to show you the simplicity of drawing triangles in orthogonal mode using TriAPI
Snark Grenade
Snark Grenade
Secondary Attack for Egon: Teleport player to random info_player_deathmatch
Secondary Attack for Egon: Teleport player to random info_player_deathmatch
View model rendering
View model rendering
This tutorial shows how you can make a very simple disguise system with an old style menu.
Spinning Corpses Simple Fix
A Simple 4-line fix for spinning corpses.
FatBoy Mode
FatBoy Mode
Effects Fun Part I
The BSP map format that Half-Life uses makes it fairly easy to do certain types of special effects, including fake underwater caustics, so we'll play around with that a little...
Introduction to Half-Life SDK2
Introduction to Half-Life SDK2
Flammenwerfer erstellen
Flammenwerfer erstellen (German)
How to create a DEAD message in your scoreboard
How to create a DEAD message in your scoreboard
Debugging your mod using steam
A small guide, written by Valve's Alfred Reynolds, on how to debug your mod in steam.
Specific weapons for different teams
Specific weapons for different teams
Revamping the Player Model System
A system to Revamp the Player Model system so that it doesn't use Infokeys (which are easily hackable, and insecure) this also prevents hltv bugs.
Relation between monsters
Relations between monsters in Half-Life
No minus frag when killed self
No minus frag when killed self in Half-Life
Creating New Weapons in the 2.2 SDK
Creating New Weapons in the 2.2 SDK
Adding New Skill Healths
In this tutorial we will learn how to add new Skill Health links to add to new custom monsters.
VGUI HUD Tutorial - Part 4
Adding an ammo indicator to the HUD
Particle Engine tutorial part 4
Part 4 in 5 part series
Changing Tracer Effects
Changing Tracer Effects on weapons in Half-Life
Adding Ammo items to a H-L weapon.
Adding Ammo items to a H-L weapon.
Admin System
Code an Admin System into Half-Life
The Think, Touch, and Use functions.
These functions are key to how an entity w
Half-Life debuggen
Half-Life debuggen (German)
Monster Teamplay
Monster Teamplay (German)
Changing The Server Browser To Show Your MOD Name In 'Game Type'
Changing The Server Browser To Show Your MOD Name In 'Game Type'
Infrared NightVision
Infrared NightVision
Building the hlds_l Linux .so
How to get Half-Life's server to compile and run on Linux boxes worldwide
This tuturial shows you how to get a message on the HUD
Teamdeathmatch Spielmodus
Teamdeathmatch Spielmodus (German)
TFC Status Bar Functionality
TFC has a generic status bar that sends a bunch of different details to the client.
Render Scene
Quick & simple, heres how to draw visible surfaces (bsp only) - unlit.
GameRules - Part 5
I've decided to add the Last Man Standing gamerule set (part 3 & 4 are missing)
Activating w_ models animated animation
Activating w_ models animated animation
Health and Armor restore after frag
Health and Armor restore after frag
VGUI HUD Tutorial - Part 1
this tutorial will explain how to set the HUD up, and just get the basis.
Steam-Developing Q&A
Steam-Developing Q&A (German)
Map Briefing
how to add
map briefings to your mod as seen in TFC, CS
Precaching was one of the first stumbling blocks we encountered when we starting working with the SDK.
GameRules - Part 2
Adding Assault to Your Mod (part 3 & 4 are missing)
TURRETS - Gauss Turret
This tutorial will somewhat describe how to create a completely new turret.
How to add a Christmas Easter Egg! (or any date!)
New to coding and ever wondered how TFC did the Christmas easter egg? Fear nevermore!
Geldanzeige im HUD
Geldanzeige im HUD (German)
Activating w_ models animated animation
Activating w_ models animated animation
Power Shotgun
here's how to create a power-shotgun
Maintaining Class After Death
Maintaining Class After Death
Installing Gamerules
This is just a simple way to switch to different gameplay modes.
Make a teleporter exit spawn you inside an area
This tutorial will demonstrate how simple you can make a brush define the area where the player will spawn inside when entering a teleporter.
Usp ( Counter-Strike Style)
Usp ( Counter-Strike Style)
Show mod name in server list
Customize the Mod name displayed in the server list
Advanced Bot Frame
This is for people wanting to make their own Half-Life bot.
Bot Frame
This is for people wanting to make their own Half-Life bot.
Particle Engine tutorial part 5
Part 5 in 5 part series
Green Driplles
Green Driplles
Third and Fourth attack
Addign a Third and Fourth attack to your mod
Getting entity walking speed to match animation
Challenge based article covering getting an entities walking speed to match its animation
Playing .mp3 files in Half-Life
Warning - this is taken from my brief investigation, but relies on having a multi-channel soundcard
Frags for killing Monsters in MP FIX
Frags for killing Monsters in MP FIX
Engine Functions
This is the lowest level entry to the engine. It also maps quite conveniently to Quake-C stuff, so check that out
HUD Countdown Timer
add a server controlled hud countdown
Event System in SDK 2.2
Event System in SDK 2.2
Half-Life AI, Schedules and Tasks
The Half-Life AI is made mostly of two things, tasks and schedules
CS Style 2x Zooming
CS Style 2x Zooming
ANY blood color
ANY blood color
How to change your MP5 to an MP5-SD3
How to change your MP5 to an MP5-SD3
Flexible Client Based Zoom - SDK2
This tutorial is designed to help you create a flexible client side Zoom function for SDK2
A Laser-Pointer for any hl-weapon
A Laser-Pointer for any hl-weapon
Dule Shell Ejects
This will tell you how to make Client side dule shell ejections for dule guns
VGUI HUD Tutorial - Part 2
Adding panels and labels and such.
Weapon : FireGrenade
Weapon : FireGrenade
The Weapons Tutorial - Part One
how the code actually works so that you can add your own features
Removing a PlayerItem
Function to remove named items from a player's inventory.
Scoreboard team colors
You wanted to know how to color the teams in the scoreboard?
Snark Grenade
Snark Grenade
Shotgun Modes
decide between firing a super compressed attack or a really spread out attack
Coding NPCs in GoldSrc
This tutorial will lead you through the arcane art of adding fog to your mod
SDK2 Basics: Explanation of the Weapon code (MP5) by Greg Hudson
Explanation of all the MP5 code. Written by Greg Hudson.
Team Coloured Text and Spectator Chat ( Fix )
In pongles Tutorial on 'Team Coloured Text and Spectator Chat ' he has 2 small errors to fix :
Respawning Entities
This tutorial will show you how to reset pushables, breakables, doors, dead bodies and dropped weapons.
TriAPI based team overlays
This tutorial will show you how to make use of the Triangle API to make team overlays
Coded Fabrics
This model I'm describing can be used for any surface that can bend, so it can be a flag
Standing Still For 5 Seconds (Respawning)
Standing Still For 5 Seconds (Respawning)
Charging Crossbow
Charging Crossbow
Adding new advanced options
Adding new advanced options
Opening slots for old Menu System
Opening slots for old Menu System
Die Erstellung eines Laserstrahls
Die Erstellung eines Laserstrahls (German)
Egon secondary fire mode
So, lets add up a secondary fire mode for the egon
CS/TFC Spawn Delay
CS/TFC Spawn Delay
Adding weapons to the HUD
Adding weapons to the HUD
Checkpoint system for spawnpoints
A checkpoint system designed for cooperative play but possible in other game modes.
bouncing bodies
bouncing bodies
Creating full Half-Life weapons
both client and server side detailed
Doubler Powerup
Doubler Powerup
Team Coloured Text and Spectator Chat
This tut will show you how to make spectators stop seeing what alive people are saying and vice-vesa.
Introduction to C
Short Article Introducing C
Sawed-Off Shotgun
This Tutorial will convert the .12 Gauge shotgun into a Sawed-Off Shotgun, This will make it much loader and it also fires a much larger load than a normal shotgun,
CS Style 2x Zooming (for SDK 2.3)
CS Style 2x Zooming (for SDK 2.3)
Config for map
If u want add options to your maps u can add to all maps config files...
Scripts (a follow up to Aliases, scripts, and binds)
Scripts (a follow up to Aliases, scripts, and binds)
How to Align a Model Against the Floor
How to Align a Model Against the Floor
Butter Fingers Bullet
This tutorial will show you how to create new bullet types.
Coding Style
Coding Style
Egon Secondary Fire: Vampire
This tutorial will show you how to create new damage type for the Egon.
Weapons in the HUD Tutorial
Made a weapon and can't figure out how in the hell to get it into the HUD?
thirdperson camera clip
thirdperson camera clip
Fast 'n easy weapon naming
Fast 'n easy weapon naming
3rd Person Ansicht
3rd Person Ansicht (German)
Using the Microsoft Visual C++ 6 IDE
Using the Microsoft Visual C++ 6 IDE
This tutorial will help you gain an understanding of the FireBulletsPlayer and FireBullets
Wall Jumping
Wall Jumping Tutorial
Glock Silenced and zoomed
Glock Silenced and zoomed in Half-Life
Yell at them
Yell at them
Vertex and Pixel Shaders
Per-pixel dynamic lighting. Real-time bumpmapping. Cartoon shading. Thermal goggles.
Change the origin of bullets
This is how you would change the location of where tracers and bullets, or rockets, are coming from to match your weapon model
Changing Spawn Times
Changing Spawn Times
Binding new keys.
In this tutorial we are going to add two new key functionalities.
Unlimited Health Rechargers
Unlimited Health Rechargers
An Entity like a CS Buy Zone
Create an Entity like a CS Buy Zone
Screen Fading and Shaking
This tutorial will show you how to use the UTIL_ScreenFade and UTIL_ScreenShake functions in your weapons to create effects like night vision and vibrations.
Installing the SDK
Installing the SDK
Paintrace Hud Indicator
This tutorial will show you how to add a hud element that will project a sprite of you player that flashes in the area you were last hit.
Energy weapon
Energy weapon
Coding New Entities for Half-Life
This is a simple tutorial to discuss making new entities, and reading their keys in your code, so you can customize them.
Building the DLLs with VS.NET 2003 for Steam
Teaches you how to setup your VS.NET 2003 to build the Half-Life dlls, and how to get them working on Steam.
How To Make Thirdperson View To Your Mod
How To Make Thirdperson View To Your Mod
Advanced: Understanding the Monster AI
A detailed tutorial on how the Half-Life AI hangs together. Covers Schedules, Tasks, and Monster States, with examples.
Creating a New VGUI Menu - Part 1
Creating a New VGUI Menu and getting it to show in your mod
Incremental Zooming (On the Client Side)
Incremental Zooming (On the Client Side)
CS-style weapon dropping
Here is a little tutorial on CS-style weapon dropping.
Automatically set entity collision box by model
(Extension to X-0ut's custom model tut)
Half-Life Graphics Part 3: Triangle API
An overview of the triangle API, which can be used to draw textured, animated polygons on the fly.
You know, the UTIL_ScreenShake can only shake clients that are on ground. Because that sucks ass, here we're gonna fix it.
Create Night Vision Goggles in Half-Life
visible laser sight line thingy
visible laser sight line thingy
Advanced: How to create a radar for Half-Life
It's been done before for Counterstrike.. but this'll go over how to make your own, including sprite display, use of vector classes etc.
Sentry continued: adding Sentry-parts box and hud-icon
Sentry continued: adding Sentry-parts box and hud-icon
How to allow monsters in mp
How to allow monsters in mp
Fog in half-life (using tri-api)
This tutorial should be easy to follow provided that you have at least some
grounding in c++
Vectors: An Introduction
Vectors: An Introduction
Half-Life Graphics Part 3 - TriAPI
Half-Life Graphics Part 3 - TriAPI (German)
Half-Life Server Info Class
Half-Life Server Info Class
Modeling events
Modeling events
AI Tutorial - Part 3
This tutorial will cover : 1. Making the monster get angry at you if you shoot him. 2. Random chatting according to it's state.
Red screen after Death and Damage
Red screen after Death and Damage