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Name / Description
Clear Recording
Setting up equipment for noiseless recording
Making Custom Sounds
Recording and preparing sounds for use in HL. Some aspects also apply to Source.
Sound Tutorial
A level just isn't a level without some sort of sound in it, whether it be the sounds of computers in a computer room or a CD audio track.
Half-Life Texture Materials Sounds
determines the sound that each texture makes when walked on, hit, or destroyed.
Installing Custom Sound Files
Installing Custom Sound Files
CD Music Commands
CD Music Commands
How to add menu music
How to add menu music
How to make a sound for gold source
This tutorial shows you how to make a sound compatible for goldsource engine
Sentence Scripting
This is where the file 'sentences.txt' in \valve\sounds comes up.
Mixing Weapon Sounds
the low tech way...
Custom Sentences
Custom Sentences
Basic QERadiant & Half-Life & Editing Resources
Basic QERadiant & Half-Life & Editing Resources
Getting Sounds to Loop In-game
I explain how to prepare sounds so they loop properly in game.
Looping Ambient Generic Sounds
How to loop those ambient_generic sounds.
Half-Life Sounds
This is a complete list of EVERY .wav file from the pak0.pak file for Half-Life
How to change sounds in Half-Life
A quick tutorial on how to replace the .wav files with your own.
Basics Of Sound Design
To create atmospheric soundeffects, you need to keep several basic rules in mind.
Taming the Speaker Entity
The 'speaker' entity creates the effect of having a public-address system in your level
Looping custom ambient_generic sounds Half-Life
A quick guide to looping .wav sound files in Half-life
Formatting Sound Files Using Goldwave
How to convert sounds to proper HL format using Goldwave
Scripted Sentences
Want to get those NPCs talking? Read on!
How to have perfect sound.
How to have perfect sound.
Speak And Spk Commands
Speak And Spk Commands
VOX Announcer Word Reference
Using the words on this list, you can create sentences for the VOX announcer to say.
Sounds on map!
Sounds on map!
Menu Music in Steam
Play an MP3 in your mod's startup screen.
Custom Sounds Tutorial
Custom Sounds Tutorial
Complete Music Tutorial (CS 1.6)
A complete music tutorial for GoldSource-based games
HL Sound Files
A perfect mixdown for your ingame sounds.