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Source Filmmaker

Name / Description
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt 10 VTFs, Animated Skins and Hit boxes
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Editing (02)
Basic introduction to editing in the Source Filmmaker
SFM Ultimate Guide - Physics!
A basic overview of how to use Physics in SFM
How to show a video inside a video!
Just a quick tutorial about how to show a video or animated image inside a SFM video (Spanish Audio / English Subs)
Hiding an Edit in Motion
Basic tutorial detailing an edit in motion
Using Workshop Materials That Replace Original TF2 Materials - Method 3
This video shows how to fix Community TF Items that are supposed to be paintable, but remain black when painted by replacing the original TF2 Materials with Workshop material fixes.
SFM Hat & Weapons Locks Part 2 - 10 Minute Tutorials
This is a detailed tutorial that goes over the difference between locking to a models position and rotation
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt08 - Further Discussion on Normals
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
How to Add a Mirror to your Map
A very short but informative tutorial. Please note, Hammer Knowledge is required to do this, so if you're new to hammer, get acquainted first.
How to Fix Energy effect in soruce filmaker
i decided to make a helpful tutorial on how to fix energy effect in source filmmaker
How To Make Smooth Animations In Source Filmmaker
How To Make Smooth Animations In Source Filmmaker
Easy Cloaking in SFM
Explanation of the Line of Action
Create a cute Animu wallpaper from the female scout
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt 7 Editing the Model
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Tip of the Day #52 - Movie Export Settings
In today's Tip of the Day I take you on a brief tour of the Movie Export settings and discuss what the various options do.
Puppet script(s)!
Puppet script(s)!
A Very Crude Model Color Animation
In this tut I will try to explain a very crude way to animate a model's color. This tutorial assumes you already know how to get a color proxy working on a model.
Working On An Animation
speed tutorial on working with animation in SFM
How to Create Loadout Posters in Source Filmmaker
How to Create Loadout Posters in Source Filmmaker
Using the Scale Controls When The Model Has A Rig
here`s a work-around to allow you to scale body parts while the Model retains it`s Rig
SFM Animation
Here we will cover the topic of Animation in SFM, this is a more of a time-consumeing part than a diffucult part.
SFM Artwork Tutorial Part 4: Unusual Effects & Fixing Cosmetic Errors
I'm going to be making a SFM artwork tutorial series so you guys can make amazing artworks! 🙂
Tip of the Day #71 - Using the 'Import Sequence' dialog for fun and profit!
In today's Tip of the Day I discuss how to use the various features of the 'Import Sequence' dialog to adjust how your imported sequences affect the models you're working with.
SFM Tutorial Week #3: Depth of Field
A tutorial on how to use depth of field
Breathing / Alive
Guides you through the process of creating breathing and life in your Characters
Rough Headcrab Animation Walkthrough
a quick rough walkthrough on how to animate a headcrab using Jimbomcb's headcrab rig
Pose to Pose Animation (13) Part 2
Continuation of Pose to Pose Animation in the Source Filmmaker
How to get the Robotic Boogaloo Items into SFM
This tutorial shows you how to access the new TF2 VPK files using GCFScape
How to create your own custom model and bring it into Source Filmmaker
How to create your very own 3D object and get it into Source Filmmaker
SFM Tutorial #1: Making a Nice Poster
How to make a nice poster
Pose to Pose Animation (13) Part 3
Final Part of Pose to Pose Animation in the Source Filmmaker
Sequence Transition Tutorial
Combining sequences within SFM
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt14 - QCs and Compiling the Model
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Tip of the Day #39 - Making a Camera Track a Model
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to make a camera pan to track a moving model, in this case a Scout running across a scene.
The Basics (How to use SFM)
Today, Joe shows you how to use Source Filmmaker, a software that you can use to create animated clips of tf2, l4d2 and many more games
Cross-Copying Limbs
I found it quite useful when I found out you could do this, even if it is so simple. Unsure how well known it is, but makes the creation of cycles MUCH easier.
How to make a short SFM video (Put Clothes) Tutorials#2
more pony stuff it seems ...
Unusual Particle Filenames
Having trouble finding the appropriate effect that you want when you are making unusual loadout posters?
Tip of the Day #59 - Using the Work Camera Lock for Fun and Profit
In today's Tip I show you how to use the Work Camera Lock to allow you to make the Work Camera follow models automatically.
Removing Grainy Shadows (Tut 4)
how to fix a common issue of grainy shadow
Source Filmmaker Official Full Tutorial by © Valve
Full tutorial for Source Filmmaker by © 2012 Valve Corporation, Basically all the separate tuts merged into one
How to import models into SFM
A simple tutorial on how to import models into the Source Film Maker, that aren't accessible through the Valve Workshop.
Cinematic Language Crash Course
I cover some super basic film concepts, roll through what the various lens sizes mean, and why they rock
How To Place a Model and Add Cosmetics
How To Place a Model and Add Cosmetics
Painting items from within SFM
Modify materials of objects within SFM
How to add FNAF content to SFM
how to get FNAF content from the Steam workshop to import into Source Filmmaker.
Tricks with Trickster Studios - Cinematography
This is an advanced tutorial on how you can use cinematography in SFM to its full extent
Portal 2 Source Filmmaker (IFM)
This is an introduction to the Portal 2 IFM, a build of SFM made specifically for portal 2.
SL (.bvh) to SFM (.dmx) - Step 3: Maya Final Step
In this tutorial we will convert an animation from inside Second Life into a .dmx file which we can import into Source Filmmaker.
SFM Tutorial Week #4: Creating a Sun
A tutorial on how to create a sun
Tip of the Day #14 - Using SSAO to improve your movies and posters
How to adjust the settings for SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) to produce better shadows and lighting for your posters and movies.
Modeling for Source Film Maker: Birds Eyeview of the Process
I've been modeling for a while, and I thought I'd make a video (maybe even a detailed video series) detailing the high level (software kinda-independent) process overview.
Tip of the Day #40 - Using Constraints for Fun and Profit
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to use Orientation Constraints to make models move together- for example to make two sentries move simultaneously when changing one.
How To Extract Garry's Mod Maps
How To Extract Garry's Mod Maps
Rigging a TF2 character in Motionbuilder for SFM
Rigging a Character for SFM
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt12 - Using GIMP to Convert Material Files to VTF Format
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
How to animate a breathing animation from scratch (The correct way!)
This guide will teach you the basics of breathing animations. I am not necessarily the best at writing tutorials but I thought I would give it a go since no-one has made a proper tutorial on it.
Lighting Tutorial
Guides you through the process of creating Light
Tf2/Sfm: How i make thumbnails (Speed Poster)
Tf2/Sfm: How i make thumbnails (Speed Poster)
Krayzeh's Lighting Guide
This is a basic tutorial on Three Point Lighting, which is not only used by SFM users, but also by professional cinematographers as well.
How I make pictures
Posing speed walkthrough
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 4
Series of tutorials covering how to create a simple film using game mode
Complex Animations - Part 1
Guides you through the process of creating complex animations in SFM
ABSFM Tut: Editing Eyes
How to do to change the iris color of the models
Spy Sapping Buildings (Game Logic)
Spy Sapping Buildings
How to Create a Simple/Good Looking SFM Poster
How to Create a Simple/Good Looking SFM Poster
Tip of the Day #18 - The In, Out, Paste and Drop Presets
In today's tip of the day I show you how you can use the In, Out, Paste and Drop Procedural Presets in Source Filmmaker.
LipSyncing Tutorial
I address some of the questions you've been asking. If you have any more, ASK!
Quick Guide - Baking AO Into Your Render
For both posters and animations.
Movement Tutorial
German tutorial on movement in SFM
Tip of the Day #3 - Importing models from Garry's Mod
How you can import a custom model from
Setting up your Kinects and Calibrating - Part 1
I show you how to record motion and import it as an animation into Source Filmmaker.
How to paint hats in SFM!
How to paint hats in SFM!
SFM Rendering Tutorial
How to render with SFM
Tip of the Day #37 - Creating Light Kits
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to create a 'Light Kit', and discuss a little bit about lighting
How to make Animated Images
Now you can get into that attention *prostitude as an insult* game!
SL (.bvh) to SFM (.dmx) - Step 1: Exporting SL Animation
In this tutorial we will convert an animation from inside Second Life into a .dmx file which we can import into Source Filmmaker.
Resizing Models in Source Filmmaker
Source Filmmaker recently updated to allow models to be resized, This tutorial shows you how to use it.
Using Gmod Ponies in Source Filmmaker (Tut 1)
In this video I describe in detail the method of importing Gmod Ponies into Source Film Maker.
CS:S Smooth Walkthrough Tutorial
CS:S Smooth Walkthrough Tutorial
Using TF2 Operation and Map Workshop maps in SFM
Learn how to decompress these maps so that SFM won't crash upon loading them.
SFM Linear/32bpc Float Workflow
SFM Linear/32bpc Float Workflow
Transparent items in SFM.
Fixing Transparent items due to AO on some models.
Tip of the Day #53 - Using Field of View and Camera Position for Fun and Profit
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to play around with lens presets to do zoom effects similar to what you may have seen in other films, such as the 'scare zoom'.
Lens Flare using Particles
After some playing with Dota2's particles, I got this in a working state, so am sharing it with everyone! Unleash your inner JJ Abrams!
Handheld Camerawork through Pupeteering
Just a quick demonstration of how you can quickly produce good looking handheld camera shots through pupeteering and time control.
Basics (00)
Basic introduction to the Source Filmmaker
How To Do Global Dynamic Lighting
Guides you through the process of creating Global Dynamic Lighting
How to scale Models
Scaling made simple. Most other guides require extra tools. This however, only uses the Source Engine.
Fixing the 5% Weight Bone Link Cull on Models
Fixing the 5% Weight Bone Link Cull on Models
Tip of the Day #65 - Hiding and Showing Track Groups
In today's Tip, I show you how to show and hide Track Groups to keep your SFM workspace less cluttered.
Bad Medicine : Behind the Scenes
a behind the scenes look at how bad medicine was built.
Animation Workflow
I wanted to relax a little so I decided as a one off I'd create a short scene and share with you the stages in which it was created, as opposed to what i usually upload.
Import animations, including motion capture files into SFM!
Import animations, including motion capture files into SFM!
Color Script Improvements
Color Script Improvements
Energy effect fix
This is guide for fixing this odd bug that causes energy effect appear as pixelated version.
How to work with Pony Auto-Lip Sync tutorial Part2
more pony stuff it seems ...
Fixing locked keyframes
If you have ever encountered a state in SFM where your keyframes no longer work after a certain length of time, this is the solution
Sound (03)
Basic introduction to sound in the Source Filmmaker
Fix Hats and Make Them Paintable - Pt3 - Fixing the Tungsten Toque
This series discusses the programs used to fix material files so hats and miscellaneous item display properly in SFM
Source Filmmaker Better Performance Tutorial
This is a simple tutorial on decreasing lag in source filmmaker
How to Get Custom Sounds into SFM
A more in-depth tutorial on how to get sounds/songs into SFM the correct way so you can avoid raging like a beeyotch.
SFM Tutorial: Basics
Covers the basics of SFM
How to fix weird reflective lights
How to fix weird reflective lights
Graph Editor (Pose to Pose Animation)
Create pose to pose animation from the graph editor
SFM Basics
In this guide we will cover the basics of SFM and what is reccomended for SFM.
Rule of Thirds
Covers the basics of the Rule of Thirds
Secret IK Rig Script Which Should be Useful Thing in SFM
Secret IK Rig Script Which Should be Useful Thing in SFM
Using Workshop Materials That Replace Original TF2 Materials - Method 1
This video shows ONE (and the easiest) way of fixing the user problem in using the new material downloaded via the Workshop.
How To Use Particles
Here i show you how To use Particles
How to get GMOD 13 Models Into Source Filmmaker
Here's my step-by-step guide for getting models off of the workshop!
How to get reflective water in SFM - Colum's Tips
In this video, I very quickly show you how to make your waters reflect things like real water does, in Source Filmmaker.
Moving Camera Shots
Walks through the creation of a moving camera in SFM
Tip of the Day #33 - Creating Custom Color Correction Effects
In today's Tip of the Day I demonstrate how you can create your own custom color corrections for your SFM movies. In this one I do a 'film noir' effect, but your options are limited only by your imagination.
Particle Magic! Covering an object with Particles
A tutorial covering applying particles to objects and also explains a little technique I have for applying them to Unicorn horns!
Add a shirt to the fem sniper to conceal skin
How to paint Pyromancer's Mask
The main objective of this guide is to lead you through the process of painting the Pyromancer's Mask for Pyro. This guide is useful for those who are facing problems when trying to paint the mask.
I’m gonna teach you my way on how to cry.
How to fix broken animation set
You will often encounter a problem of your animation set model going crazy and disappear of your scene. Here is a quick fix for this instead of re-create an animation set.
Cinematography in SFM
How to change Scout in to a girl
This is just a quick tutorial on how to change the TF2 scout into a female char
Import Portal, Portal 2, CSGo, Half-life 2, Any Source game into SFM
How to get any source game into SFM
R234 and Sync.'s Texture Fixes
Here you can find a list of texture fixes which allows model recolouring to work.
My Guide on a SFM demostration to oWn art and explaining the CC tag banner
This is a guide for those who wonder why I do what I do in my art. I will also explain the concept of it.
Steam Library Fix
What to do when the Steam Library won't give you easy access to SFM.
SFM Ponies Tutorial #1
SFM Ponies Tutorial #1
SFM Tutorial Week #7: Lighting
A tutorial on how to get lighting right in sfm
SFM Ultimate Guide - The Clip Editor
A basic overview of how to use the clip editor
Fix Hats and Make Them Paintable - Pt6 - Fixing the Voodoo JuJu
This series discusses the programs used to fix material files so hats and miscellaneous item display properly in SFM
Moving Camera Tutorial
This tutorial shows you how to create a moving camera shot
SFM Basic Keyframed Manual Lipsync
Covers the basics of keframed lip syncing
Moving Camera Tutorial
How to create a moving camera in Source Filmmaker using keyframing/bookmarking in the Graph Editor.
Tutorial (#1): The very basics
I've decided to make a simple SFM tutorial for newcomers if they wish to learn the basics of this program
Into the Graph Editor! - Part 6
An essential lesson on using reference to create believable animation.
Run Cycle Tutorial - Copy Paste method - Part 1
Part 1 of how to copy and paste a run cycle
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 1
This tutorial session acts as a learning tool to discover how to do basic things in SFM.
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 6
Series of tutorials covering how to create a simple film using game mode
Into the Graph Editor! - Part 2
We explore use the graph editor to create counter-animation
Tip of the Day #10 - Using HL2 maps in Source Filmmaker
How to use GCFScape, VMEX and Hammer to get your favorite HL2 map into Source Filmmaker.
Dota 2 Vertex Lit Generic: A guide on correct shading
Tutorial on setting up dota 2 chars to work with almost perfect shading in SFM
Greasy Llama
How to create basic animation in SFM
How to make a short SFM video
Some basics of SFM
How to make an SFM Poster
I teach you how to make a poster in Source Filmmaker,free on steam!
How to auto-facepose HL2 models
Getting HL2 models to talk with Extract Phonemes
SFM Tutorial #1 - Animation
In this Tutorial i'll be showing you on how to make your own Animation in the source filmmaker
Importing Source Engine Game Assets
I will give you information on how to import assets from Source games into Source Filmmaker.
FK arms on TF2 IK rigs
Adding Fk to an IK rig
SFM Ultimate Guide - Basic Particles
A basic overview of how to use Particles in SFM
Creating Animated Wings
A tutorial on how to create the animated wings
Making a Poster - Part 2 (locking)
Some tricks I learned about locking weapons and items to characters.
Making a Poster - Part 1 (framing)
Going through making a poster and setting up the shot.
How To Run SFM On Mac
This guide shows you how to run SFM on mac with a wrapper for the software.
Tip of the Day #73 - Quickly adding TF2 items to your models
In today's Tip of the Day, I discuss how you can quickly and easily add TF2 items to your models without having to go through a bunch of extra steps, thanks to Valve's addition of a fine feature to SFM.
Weapon Sheen Guide
A Quick Guide To Show you how to make the sheens. Sadly It works only on normal weapons, Not The Austrlium ones.
40 Mins of Source Filmmaking in 6 and a Quarter Mins.
The WIP for Tapeworm!.
Fixing Eye Movement on Gmod Models
This is an updated tutorial regarding fixing the eye movement on Garry's Mod models.
How to export your SFM animation as a GIF
Character Lighting Basics
Explains Lighting a Character
Lighting guide for 1 Character
This guide will use the well kown method called Three Point Lighting. It's a technique that all photographers use for a potrait, aswell in movies.
How to Import Custom Sounds into Sfm
For this tutorial, I explain how to import your own sounds into Source Filmmaker for you to use in your animations.
Bad Medicine Particle Bird Tutorial
This tutorial roughly runs you through how I built the Uber Archimedes particle for my film Bad Medicine
How to paint the green wall
In this very easy guide, I'll show you how to paint the green_plane with the color you want.
Procedurals - 10 Minute Tutorial
In this video I cover Procedurals in detail, giving examples for most.
Applying Hats (Tut 2)
In this SFM tutorial, I will show you how to apply hats to characters and how to remove default headgear
Tip of the Day #56 - The Key Mapping Window
In today's Tip I show you the Key Bindings window and discuss some of the commands available in Source Filmmaker that you may not have been aware of.
Graph Editor (06)
Basic introduction to the graph Editor in the Source Filmmaker
How to export animations into proper video files
This little tutorial will show you an easy way to make your SFM animations into proper video files.
Puppeteering (07)
Basic introduction to using actors as puppets in the Source Filmmaker
How to Cloak Models
Learn how to cloak TF2 models in SFM! This involves the Element Viewer so be careful!
How-To Paint Hats/Miscs. in Source Filmmaker
How to paint your hat in Source Filmmaker!
How to remove the weapon flashing
I'm sure that many of you had problems with gun flashing after recording.
Source Filmmaker Tips and Tricks 2: Advanced Lighting Techniques
tips and tricks for lighting in SFM
Taper Rotation Mode
how to activate the taper rotation mode
Fix Hats and Make Them Paintable - Pt1 - Programs Needed
This series discusses the programs used to fix material files so hats and miscellaneous item display properly in SFM
Solving the inaudible custom sound issue
Have you ever come across a situation where you converted your .mp3 or .wav files into .wav files and yet they don't play a sound when you imported them into Source Filmmaker?
ABSFM Tut: Phongmaps
How to use phong mapping in SFM
Tip of the Day #8 - Using Keyframes to modify an existing animation
How you can take an existing sequence you have recorded (in this case, a Scout running through the scene) and modify some elements while leaving others alone.
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Intro
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Compile motion capture into .qc
Please note that later versions of iPi can export directly to .dmx now.
Tip of the Day #38 - Setting the Near and Far Distance of a Camera
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to set the minimum and maximum distance of a camera's 'vision', which you can use to produce interesting effects.
Importing Garry's Mod Workshop Content into SFM
The Garry's Mod Workshop has lots of interesting models and maps that aren't available anywhere else. Here's how to use them.
Particles (12)
Basic introduction to Particles in the Source Filmmaker
How to Kill Animation in a Shot
This video shows how to kill animation or a portion of an animation for an element or a whole model in an animation set.
Ponies Tutorial - FK animation and The Graph Editor
Ponies Tutorial - FK animation and The Graph Editor
Professional Killstreak Eyes Effect
Today, I will show you how to add TF2 Pro. Killstreak Eye Effects to models!
Medigun Beam Tutorial
How to make the Medigun Beam in SFM
A Newb's Guide to Pony SFM
This tutorial is to help all those getting their feet wet with Pony SFM. It covers the basics from loading a map to working on a pony model.
An Unusual Mod in SFM
Tired of all those normal unusual effects? Here's a way to import noltron's An Unusual Mod into SFM, which contains a lot of improvement!
How to export SFM animations to TF2
Ever wanted to export your SFM work into your beloved, hat addict game? Now's your chance!
local model lighting override
How to override a model's local lighting in SFM
Tip of the Day #75 - Using Slugs
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how you can put slugs (blank shots) to use in your animations.
Tip of the Day #44 - Projecting Images via Light Gobo Textures
In today's tip of the day I show you a little bit about how to use gobo textures to project images onto surfaces in your SFM scenes, and discuss what you can and can't do with them.
Quick Start Guide (Plus Tips and Tricks)
A guide made for those who are confused or unsure what to do in Source Filmmaker.
Tip of the Day #20 - Importing portions of an animation set
How to export and import specific portions of an animation set, such as the facial expression of a Spy
Applying a particle system to a model
In this tutorial I will try to explain how to apply a particle system to a model.
How to setup Miss pauling for a wallpaper shot
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt4 Gimp VTF to Png
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to several frequently asked questions that have cropped up on Facepunch. Fixing broken map lighting, mounting other games, all that good stuff.
IK Rigs and IK/FK blending
A quick run through of some IK rig basics and a neat trick with ik/fk blending
Setting up SFM Plugins for Maya
A quick guide to easily and painlessly set up your copy of Maya to use the plugins provided with SFM. After correctly setting this up, you will be able to directly access DMX models, SMD models and also be able to export DMX animations.
True puppet animation transfer
True puppet animation transfer
HOW TO import GMOD maps
How to load GMOD maps or any map into SOURCE FILMMAKER (SFM)
Guide To Poster, Making-ing
This is not a step by step guide and I will not be covering the basics of using the program, these are just some tips on how to make each poster something you can be proud of.
Custom animation in Source Film Maker with SMDs
Updated tutorial on how to get your own custom animation into SFM without having to use Maya
Cs:go Maps with working shadows!
Cs:go Maps with working shadows in source filmmaker
Tip of the Day #62 - The Spline, Ramp and Round Presets
In today's Tip I show you how to use the Ramp, Spline and Round Procedural Presets in Source Filmmaker.
Importing a model and map into SFM
Process of bringing custom assets into SFM
Rendering (Tut 2)
In this video I will be going over the process of rendering a scene into movie form. I have added a few tips that might help you.
Tip of the Day #54 - Accessing Hidden Controls on Rigged Models
In today's Tip, I show you how to access the hidden controls of a rigged model so you can do things like use the weapon bone to parent to another model, even when the model is rigged (and the weapon bone hidden).
Loading map & character
this is a tutorial on how to use Source Filmmaker so you too can make an epic source cinematic movie
Rendering Multiple Maps in a single project file
Want to know how to render your movie in a single project file ? This is actually possible to do, read on !
Fix Hats and Make Them Paintable - Pt5 - Fixing the ToughGuy Toque
This series discusses the programs used to fix material files so hats and miscellaneous item display properly in SFM
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt6 Importing to Blender
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Dota 2 – Source Filmmaker Tutorial
In=Depth Tutorial covering how to use SFM with Dota 2 Content
How to Add Unusual Effects and Particles in SFM
How to Add Unusual Effects and Particles in SFM
Medic Healing
This tutorial assumes that you've watched Valve's official tutorials. and shows to to recreate the medic healing scenario
Short walking cycle demostration
A very simple demo showing how a walking cycle works.
Tip of the Day #70 - Replacing the Pyro's mask and using Body Groups
In today's tip of the day, I show you how to use Body Groups and Locks to replace the Pyro's mask with the Last Breath or other Pyro masks.
View target camera script
Script for modifying the view target for the camera
Moving Cameras (The VERY Basics - Part2)
In this video we look at a camera that has an animation set and manipulate that. We also look at giving the camera an actual animation.
iTunes Music to SFM
As soon as I saw that there were no guides to take iTunes music and put it into SFM, I started making this guide. I'll teach you how to take your iTunes music and put it in SFM.
How To Animate A First Person Scene
Here i show you how To Animate A First Person Scene
SFM Tutorial: Weaponized Negativity
how I did the Error Texture spreading in my latest video, Weaponized Negativity
An alternate way to light models using Aim Contraints
An alternate way to light models using Aim Contraints
Tip of the Day #57 - Removing pieces of a model and changing skins
In today's tip I show you how to remove pieces of a model, such as the Soldier's grenades and the Medic's backpack.
How to make characters look at other characters in SFM
So, you're making a movie, and you've posed your character, but oh no! Their eyes are blank! Why is this, you ask? Well, it's because through posing your model, the 'ViewTarget' of their eyes has been left behind, back where you first spawned it.
SFM 101 (Updated 01.08.2015)
A collection of the most useful stuff for SFM
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 8
Series of tutorials covering how to create a simple film using game mode
Equipping the Gunslinger in SFM
In this guide, I will show you 2 ways to equip the Gunslinger, and the pros and cons of each method.
Particle systems
If your particle emitter does not emit particles on playback. Have a look at this video, it might help you.
How to Replace Phonemes and Stuff on HWM Models
In this tutorial I discuss how to replace the phoneme, viseme, and emotion tabs that like to go missing into some blackened abyss in SFM
Rocket camera
A tutorial on how to make a rocket fly around the map, and have a camera follow it.
Ponies in Socks (a.k.a. bonemerging)
In this tutorial I am teaching you how to add accessories to your pony.
How to make a Team Fortress 2 Source Filmmaker Poster!
How to make a Team Fortress 2 Source Filmmaker Poster!
Manually Updating TF2 Content
SFM lags behind TF2 in getting the latest innovations in hats and hat-esque objects (and also maps I guess). Here's how to remedy that if you're impatient.
How to make pictures in SFM
How to make pictures in SFM
How to add custom textures to SFM/Help with custom models
This guide will help you with adding custom textures, or in this case, editing textures, for SFM. Afterwards, I will have a help section on how to add models to the usermod folder.
Introduction Tutorial on SFM for new users!
Do your SFM posters look boring? Bland? Non-interesting? If you said yes, your lighting is probably not very good or you have poor camera settings.
KP's Basics Tutorial
Covers camera controls, posing, lighting and exporting.
Tip of the Day #69 - Changing the Color of Your Animation Set Labels
In today's Tip I show you an organizational method to keep your more complex scenes with lots of animation sets more easily managed by changing the color of the labels in the Animation Set Editor.
Tip of the Day #42 - The SHIFT and CTRL Movement Modifiers
In today's Tip of the Day, I show you how to use SHIFT and CTRL to change movement speed for more accurate positioning of a camera and for accurate movement when puppeteering a camera.
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt04- Intro to Blender
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
By Hand Animation
'By Hand' Animation
How to Apply Multiple Custom Skins on different instances of a Model
How to Apply Multiple Custom Skins on different instances of a Model
How to use zombie skins
In this guide, I'll show you how to use zombie skins in SFM without the transparence effect.
Explosion Particle
Create a Explosion Particle
SFM Tutorial: Dark render fix
Have you ever got tired of having to brighten up an SFM animation in an editing program? Well hopefully those days are gone:D
Modifying materials in the Element Viewer
How to modify textures using the element viewer to make them do some pretty interesting stuff.
Doc talks about lɪp sɪŋk
Doc talks about lɪp sɪŋk
Loading a Map and Characters
Loading a Map and Characters
Tip of the Day #67 - Applying Class-Based Character Particle Effects
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to access the various class-based particle systems and demonstrate using the Eyelander eye effect on a heavy
Tip of the Day #21 - Using the Rotation Tool for Fun and Profit
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how you can change the behavior of the rotation tool to allow you to lock rotation to the world or to change the center of rotation for a selected object.
Make a Forest with Particles
A tutorial on how to make a Forest with Particles
Building Multiple Sentries
In this brief (but hopefully informative) tutorial, I explain how to build multiple level-3-capable sentries using the Source Filmmaker in-game recording tool.
Making a Poster - Part 5 (finale)
Finishing up and adding AO and changing the render settings.
Tip of the Day #72 - Applying Cloaking Effects to Models
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to apply the Spy's cloaking effect to models in Source Filmmaker- without having to download scripts or extra files, and without having to go through all the hassle of the way it used to be.
SFM Particle Editor
Tutorial covering the SFM Particle Editor
How to Add a Mirror to your Map
A very short but informative tutorial. Please note, Hammer Knowledge is required to do this, so if you're new to hammer, get acquainted first.
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt09 - Scaling
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Tip of the Day #9 - Using the Source Filmmaker Logo animation
How you can load and explore the Source Filmmaker Logo animation, which is not only included with Source Filmmaker, but was actually made in Source Filmmaker.
SFM Workshop: Your Models and People
This guide will probably help you get your content needed and lure some attention to it. It contains basic tips on what people usually like to see, when they are looking for models, and how to make them a little bit more appreciating.
locks (08)
Basic introduction to using locks in the Source Filmmaker
Transitioning Wings
Covers mainly the opening of wings, but is pretty simple to just do it in reverse to close as well.
TF2 Paint RGB colour values!
A list of TF2 paints in RGB colour values.
ABSFM Tut: Head hacking Tips
How to head hack properly
Tip of the Day #45 - Making ragdolls of your models
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to make your recorded models turn into ragdolls on command.
How to Paint Items in Source Filmmaker
In this guide I will show you how to paint Team Fortress 2 Hats and Miscs in Source Filmmaker.
Tip of the Day #13 - Focal Distance and Aperture
How to adjust focal distance and aperture on your cameras in Source Filmmaker, allowing you to create interesting focal and zoom effects- such as making the foreground object blurry while the background is crisp, and vice versa.
Recording (01)
Basic introduction to recording in the Source Filmmaker
Hats & Misc
Hats & Misc
Making TF2 zombies solid.
Making TF2 zombies solid.
Creating phoneme tables for lipsync with custom models
If you've tried to extract phonemes on a custom model, you probably noticed it didn't do anything. Here's how to make it work on any model with flexes.
A simple example of animating.
A simple example of Animating in SFM
Two colors for one hat
If you would like to use a hat twice in one scene with a different color have a peek at this.
Setting up your Kinects and Calibrating
how to record motion and import it as an animation into Source Filmmaker.
How to setup Miss Pauling again
Creating a poster
This guide should be a simple and easy to follow process on creating a simplistic poster that can be used in any intended way
Material system basics
The basics of materials in SFM
Preventing and Fixing Overlapping Entities
This tutorial teaches you how to prevent props, particles, and sounds from overlapping from previous recordings in SFM
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 7
Series of tutorials covering how to create a simple film using game mode
Basic Character Animation Principles
This tutorial is targeted towards intermediate users of the Source FIlmmaker looking to take their animation a step further, into realism and appeal.
KP's Body Grouping Tutorial
Covers body grouping in SFM
Exporting/Importing Poses
ello guys, In this video I'll show you how to export and import custom SFM poses!
Get Rid of Those Black and Purple Checkerboard Blues in MvM (or other TF2 based) Maps
What are all these black and purple Things that are ruining the scene???
How to scale Dota 2 models for Source Filmmaker
creating dota 2 videos with proper sized props!
Live Animation Tips
In this video I analyze an animation I have made and fix it up a bit, giving tips and tricks a long the way
How to get Hl2 models to Lipsync
A step by step guide to make your Half life 2 characters lipsync.
CSS Models Tutorial
CSS Models Tutorial
Tip of the Day #23 - The Stagger Preset
In today's Tip, I show you how to use the Stagger Procedural Preset to potentially make your animations more lifelike.
Doc's Dour Didactic of Delinquent Duplication
Doc's Dour Didactic of Delinquent Duplication
Making SFM Poster. (for beginners)
This guide is dedicated to beginners, I'll teach you how to create a simple poster (for TF2 and not only).
Rendering a scene with multiple maps
how to use multiple maps in a single instance of SFM.
Moving Cameras (The VERY Basics - Part3)
In this tutorial we are going to use one shot, one camera and create an animation set for the camera.
Converting A Map To SFM
Learn how to convert maps to work in Source Filmmaker with a bare minimum of fuss.
Changing Textures Using Material Overrides
A handy, step-by-step guide to using Material Overrides to replace a model's texture with another texture. Very useful for all sorts of clever SFMing tricks!
lipsync (09)
Basic introduction to lipsyncing in the Source Filmmaker
SFM suddenly laggy? You might check your gameinfo.txt file.
I'm a long-time SFM user, and recently my SFM got extremely laggy. Here's the solution that I found, and which worked for me.
Making a camera look at a moving character
Follow a character with a camera
How to make custom Color Correction
Purity-schmurity, color correction will always improve images and videos! This guide will teach you how to use Source Filmmaker's inhouse color correction tool for your projects!
Tip of the Day #16 - The Default and Zero Presets
In today's tip I go over the Default and the Zero animation presets and discuss what they do and how they're different- and why you sometimes find yourself having to use one or the other.
How to import Models in SFM2/Dota 2 Reborn
Bring the new Dota 2 Reborn models into SFM via FBX
Scene Building 101 (Using The Fancy Sky Particles)
I released some sky particles to the workshop yesterday. So I decided to make a guide on scene building with them.
Ice and Gold skins
In this very easy guide, I'll show you how to transform a player model into ice (spy-cycle kill effect) or gold (golden frying pan kill effect).
Complex Animations - Part 2
This is a tutorial that explains complex animation in Valve's Source Filmmaker.
Using Workshop Materials That Replace Original TF2 Materials - Method 2
This video shows how to fix Community TF Items that are supposed to be paintable, but remain black when painted by replacing the original TF2 Materials with Workshop material fixes.
Tip of the Day #58 - Using Offset Mode in the Graph Editor for Fun and Profit
In today's tip I show you a bit about how offset mode can allow you to modify existing animation curves in the Graph Editor without destroying the base animation.
How to get Source Filmmaker for Mac
How to get Source Filmmaker working on a Mac
Smoothly Looping Particles in a GIF
A tutorial on how to smoothly Looping Particles in a GIF
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt02 - Installing the Required Programs
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Places to Get Resources
Where to get models, props, and maps for Source Filmmaker and Garry's Mod.
Custom Maps in SFM
How to get custom maps working in SFM
Tip of the Day #19 - The Left and Right Stereo controls for facial animations
In today's tip I show you how to use the Left and Right stereo controls to adjust how facial animations are applied.
Tip of the Day #66 - Copying and Pasting Sample Data
In today's Tip I discuss how to copy and paste animation sample data from one model to another, as well as some of the underlying mechanics of how it works.
Animating Ponies: Basics
Here is a tutorial on animating ponies in SFM 🙂 Just the very basics, not much here.
Painting items.
This guide will teach you how to simply paint an item without scripts or any external programs!
Tip of the Day #1
How to use the SHIFT key in conjunction with your mouse to scrub the timeline, and hopefully clears up some confusion that you may have from the Valve tutorials.
Depth Of Field
This guide will teach you how to add Depth of Field to your Source FilmMaker scene
Tip of the Day #64 - Making the All-Father Beard Visible
In today's tip I take you through the process of updating the All-Father model so you can get that beard working right in SFM!
SFM Tutorial #2: Cinematography
Explains Cinematography
Using Render Target Cameras with the SFM
how to use RT cameras with the SFM, and now I'm here to share my knowledge with you.
How to get a better/more efficient layout for SFM
This tutorial shows how to get a better/more efficient layout for SFM
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt 9 Export and Compile BleST/Crowbar
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Tip of the Day #17 - The Lens Presets
In today's Tip of the Day I give you a brief overview of the Source Filmmaker Lens Presets and how you can use them to adjust your field of view to a set of standard angles.
Custom Color Correction in Source Filmmaker
Color correct your scenes from within SFM
Save/Upload your Animation
Save/Upload your Animation
How to render and save posters with high-quality
This guide is for people who want high quality images. #creativity.
Depth of Field Tutorial
How to create a depth of field effect so that the camera focuses on an object(s) and everything in front of or behind the object(s) is blurred.
The Basics for making an SFM Poster
These are the basics of making your very own Source Filmmaker poster.
ABSFM Tut #004: HOW2HAT/LOADOUT (Re-explained)
This is a rehash of my first tutorial which is utter garbage and basically shows you how I have no idea what I’m talking about have the time
Recording (Tut 1)
A basic tutorial on how to record and how to move the camera around the world.
Slow Motion tutorial
A tutorial on how to create slow Motion
Tip of the Day #2 - Replacing Models
How to fix problems you might run into by having imported the wrong model for your animations
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 3
Series of tutorials covering how to create a simple film using game mode
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt11 - Creating the Idle Sequence and export SMD Files
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
How to make custom model dance like TF2 animation (Non-Valve Biped bones)
How to make custom model dance like TF2 animation
Depth of Field Tutorial
In this tutorial, I show you how to create a depth of field effect.
Transparent GIFs
Recently found a good way to make transparent GIFs from SFM.
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt05 - Intro to Blender, Import the mesh.ascii File
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
The transparent model
If the model is very dark when the AO - check if she has a transparent texture.
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt3 Using a Crowbar(0.24)
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Behind The Scenes: Team Bordtresslands
I address both of the questions I've gotten about Team Bordtresslands.
Tip of the Day #61 - Adjusting the Time Scale of Individual Animation Sets Within a Shot
In today's Tip of the Day I take you through how to adjust the scale of each element of a shot, similar to how you might adjust the timing of a shot as I showed in Tip of the Day #60.
Particle Tutorial : Abstract floating generic fish?
A particle tutorial.
Repair Textures to Fix Hats and Make Them Paintable in SFM
This is a six part series on how to repair materials in the Robotic Boogaloo Hats and Misc Items, the Heavy's ToughGuy Toque and the VooDoo JuJu to fix them from being black or glowing and display there proper colours.
Scaling Models in Sourcefilmmaker
Well, look no further, for here you can find the answer to all of your questions regarding the new scaling system in SFM
How to Use Portal 2 Models
Covers the process of getting Portal 2 models to work in SFM
How to get the Source Filmmaker Intro
The main objective of this guide is to help you guys find the Source Filmmaker Intro within Source Filmmaker. The intro can be put at the end of your video.
How to animate skins and bodygroups in Source Filmmaker
After the new script was released on sfmbox I thought why not do a tutorial to show people how to use it.
Motion Capture for Source Filmmaker Part 1 - Setting up your Kinects and Calibrating
In this series of tutorial videos I show you how to record motion and import it as an animation into Source Filmmaker. This part focuses on getting your motion capture software set up.
Boulder Heavy Camerawork pass
Tutorial on the camera styles used in Bolder Heavy
How to change a map's sky
In this guide, I'll show you how to change the sky of a map using hammer world editor.
Dry to wet material animation
how to make your models look wet. Not only that, but I will teach you how to animate the effect in real time.
Graph & Motion Editing - SourceFilmmaker Tutorial
Graph & Motion Editing - SourceFilmmaker Tutorial
Tip of the Day #35 - Destroying sentries for fun and profit
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to animate a sentry explosion, how to move its location and adjust its timing to synchronize with another event.
TF2 - Making some SFM Posters
TF2 - Making some SFM Posters
Moving Cameras (Tut 5)
Part 5 of my Source Filmmaker Tutorial series shows off how to create moving cameras.
Tutorial (#3): Getting the best perfomance ( FPS ) for SFM
Getting the best perfomance ( FPS ) for SFM
SFM light projection tutorial
a really quick run through of how to project your own texture through a light in SFM
Tip of the Day #68 - Enabling and Disabling the Selectability of Animation Sets
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to prevent animation sets from being selectable in the viewport and why you might want to do so.
Fixing the 5% Weight Bone Link Cull on Models
Fixing the 5% Weight Bone Link Cull on Models
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt10 - More on Scaling and Bone Naming Conventions
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Three Point Lighting
This guide will teach you how to do basic three point lighting in the Source FilmMaker
How To Make Body Parts Invisible in Source Filmmaker Using Override Material
Basically showing how you can use Override Material to hide some parts of models in sfm. Also using it to change the color of models.
How to fix the colorchange and sfmphys scripts after the 7/31 sfm update
fix the colorchange and sfmphys scripts
Line of Action
Explanation of the Line of Action
Fixing the Rimmed RainCatcher
This series discusses the programs used to fix material files so hats and miscellaneous item display properly in SFM
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 2
Series of tutorials covering how to create a simple film using game mode
Motion Capture for Source Filmmaker Part 4 - Mapping the Model
In this part of the tutorial I show you how to update a TF2 model to be ready for animation by exporting it from Maya and editing it in MotionBuilder.
SFM Artwork Tutorial Part 5: Adding Dramatic Lighting
I'm going to be making a SFM artwork tutorial series so you guys can make amazing artworks! 🙂
SFM Cloak.bsp fix source filmmaker
This video is for those who have the problem for the cloak.bsp problem all you do is need to delete the word cloak in the search selection.
SFM Artwork Tutorial Part 3: Painting cosmetics
I'm going to be making a SFM artwork tutorial series so you guys can make amazing artworks! 🙂
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt 8 Skinning in Blender (Gimp)
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Remove Background Fog
I'll show you how to make your scene much nicer and clearer!
How to to add blood wounds to your characters
Importing Assets from other source games
How to import assets from other Source games into SFM
Shaky Camera Tutorial
Want some cool action shots? Do you want to know how to enhance it? Well, you're in the right place!
How to Make a Simple Lock
In this tutorial I discuss an easy way to do locks.
Cut Throat Concierge Fire Effect Fix
In Source Filmmaker there is a tiled Fire effect on the Cut Throat Concierge for the Spy, I'm going to show you how to fix it
How To Create a Simple Idle Animation
Covers the basics of creating a simple idle animation in SFM
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt1 Programs
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
SFM Tutorial: Tip Collection 1
To cover some of the little tips and tricks I have learned over time, I thought making collection videos occasionally would work best.
Stylized lighting
Guides you through the process of creating Stylized Lighting
How to overlay any video file into SFM
In this guide i will show you the only possible way without using a script to import any video file to use in sfm
Source Game Compatibility List
A list of Source Engine games and whether their models or maps are compatible with SFM (and in what way). Please contribute any info and help complete this!
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt13 - VTFEdit - Used to Create Basic VMTs
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Contributing to the SFM Steam Workshop
I will give you instructions on how you can share sound and model assets you've created through the Steam Workshop.
Creating Floating Text with Particle Systems
This step-by-step tutorial explains how to create dynamic floating text in Source Filmmaker using a rope particle system, from creating the texture and material files to making them appear in your shots.
Tip of the Day #51 - Deleting Sample Data for Fun and Profit
In today's tip of the day I show you how to delete portions of the sample data associated with an animation set to produce various effects.
Tip of the Day #32 - Changing the appearance of your shots in the overview
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to adjust the color, name and text associated with the clips in the Clip Editor to help you organize your shots more easily.
Source Movie Pro Tutorial
how to make a movie in the source film maker program
Depth Of Field Tutorial (Source Filmmaker)
Depth Of Field Tutorial (Source Filmmaker)
CS:GO/Portal 2 Model Import
Importing models from CSGO and Portal 2 into SFM
PUT HATS ON PEOPLE! - How To: Source Filmmaker
PUT HATS ON PEOPLE! - How To: Source Filmmaker
SFM Artwork Tutorial Part 2: Adding Emotion and Cosmetics to the Model
I'm going to be making a SFM artwork tutorial series so you guys can make amazing artworks! 🙂
SFM's Render Target cameras or RT cameras
SFM's Render Target cameras or RT cameras
Into the Graph Editor! - Part 1
Learn how to make a ball bounce realistically using the Graph Editor in this simple tutorial video.
How to install pony models for SFM
How to install pony models for SFM
How to put Gmod ponies workshop in to SFM/Gmod
This is just a quick tutorial on how to the gmod pony workshop into SFM
SFM Ultimate Guide - Making Good Videos Great
In this guide video I'll show you how to give your Source Filmmaker videos an almost film like quality.
Unusual Hat Effects
How to add effects to hats
Super Basic Camera Tutorial by Super Basic Me
to show how easy it is to adjust FOV for those new SFM'ers out there
A quick and easy guide to getting MvM to work in Source Filmmaker
A quick and easy guide to getting MvM to work in Source Filmmaker
Basic Scenebuild
Create a basic scene in SFM
How to put the Gunmettle maps from TF2 into SFM
Well Well Well, looks like GCFScape didnt work and now your searching up how to put these maps in sfm? Well here I am to tell YOU how to do it!
Using TF2 'empty' models to shortcut animating Portal 2 Piston bones
In this guide, I'll explain to you how to use the TF2 model 'Empty' to automatically pose the pistons on Personality Core/GLaDOS' models so you don't have to worry about animating them
Model Filenames for all Weapons, Hats and Miscs
Did it ever occur to you that it would be so much simpler to find the items in Source Filmmaker if their filenames were the same as their display names?
Automatic Hat Locking
A cool new way for Source Filmmakers like myself to put hats on things.
SFM Ultimate Guide - How to use cameras
A basic overview of how to use cameras
Importing Counter Strike Global Offensive stuff to Source Filmmaker.
A simple example of lighting
A simple example of lighting in SFM
iPisoft Mocap Tutorial - 1 Kinect
Use ipisoft to capture your motion and import to SFM
Use the SDK Content rigs for custom animation for use in SFM
Use the SDK Content rigs for custom animation for use in SFM
How to Build a Simple Video Using Game Mode in SFM - Part 5
Series of tutorials covering how to create a simple film using game mode
Resize the Particle Editor Window
Finally resize that damn tiny Particle Editor Window to fit all your stuff on our glorious HD screens!
Text Projection / Hologram
Text Projection / Hologram.
How to make an unusual poster (an easy-worded crash course)
I cover a lot of techniques in this guide, some basic, some advanced.
It is very thorough, with nearly 110 annotated screenshots.
Gun Mettle Skin Tutorial
This guide shows how to apply Gun Mettle skins for SFM and GMod.
Quick SFM Tutorial: Manual Lipsync and Custom Audio
I made a quick tutorial on how to set up a custom audio file, put it in source filmmaker, and then do some manual lip-syncs.
Making a Poster - Part 3 (particles)
Finishing up the poses then starting to add particles.
Tip of the Day #28 - Doing fades with the clip editor and toneMapScale
In today's tip I show you how to do fades of your shots using both the Clip Editor and the toneMapScale slider on an animated camera.
Tip of the Day #24 - Using the Particle System Editor
In today's Tip of the Day I introduce you to the Particle System Editor in Source Filmmaker, a tool you can use to create or modify your own particle systems.
Source Filmmaker | Beginner Tutorial + Download
In this video i will teach you how you can make your own animation movie with Source Filmmaker
Cloth Animation - General Workflow
This tutorial is targeted towards intermediate users of the Source FIlmmaker, mainly the Dota 2 SFM community, who would like to polish their projects and animations a step further.
Motion Capture for Source Filmmaker Part 3 - Processing the Recorded Action
In Part 3 of this tutorial I show you how to process the actions you recorded in Part 2.
KP's Animation Tutorial
covers animation in SFM
How to animate physics with sfmphys in Source Filmmaker
Just a basic tutorial on installing and using sfmphys
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt15 - Uploading Your Model to the SFM Workshop
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Unusual Effects, Borderlines, Ect.
I show how to add Unusual effects, Map effects, Cool Rendering Settings, and more!
How to make first person Movies
This shows you how to make a first person movie in SFM.
Importing and Hexing Left 4 Dead 2 Workshop Content into SFM
The L4D2 Workshop has lots of interesting models that aren't available anywhere else. Here's how to use them!
Material VMT Fix Resource
Kringle is glowing?, Sore Eyes showing white iris when there's a light? Concierge showing fire texture?
How to make MLP anthro models in SFM
How to make MLP anthro models in SFM
Tip of the Day #31 - Changing the Falloff Interpolation
In today's Tip of the Day I discuss the details of the Falloff Interpolation presets, which allow you to change how movements in the Motion Editor are applied- Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, and Ease In and Out.
Submitting to the 2013 Saxxy Awards
I will give you step-by-step instructions on how you can submit your entry to the 2013 Annual Saxxy Awards.
Making a Character Walk Around a Corner
This is a quick demonstration of how I can manipulate a character to change direction while walking using the Motion Editor and the Rotation Manipulator.
Ten Source Filmmaker Tips & Tricks
I've learned a few things here and there while using SFM. I thought I'd share some.
Tip of the Day #60 - Setting Time Scales in your Shots
In today's Tip I show you how to adjust the timescale of your shots, and discuss some of the underlying elements of how SFM processes animation set data to produce what we call a 'shot'.
Pony skin for SFM/Gmod
more pony stuff it seems ...
Locking Items To A Character
Here i show you how To lock Items To A Character
Long Lighting Walkthrough
a long long LONG lighting walkthrough of a wrongfloor turret ring scene
Run Cycle Tutorial - Copy Paste method - Part 2
Part 2 of how to copy and paste a run cycle
Tip of the Day #43 - Manipulating Lights as Cameras
A bit under the weather tonight so the more complex TOTD I'm working on will have to wait. In the meantime I give you a tip on how to manipulate a light just like you do a camera.
Motion Capture for Source Filmmaker Part 5 - Creating a Bone Naming Template
In this tutorial I show you how to create a bone naming template for your animations exported from iPiSoft, which we will use later to quickly map characters to your motion capture data.
Fingers Lagging on Rigged Models
Ever tried rotating the fingers of a rigged model, only to find that it lags whenever you try to? It's an incredibly common issue among users. This will show you how to reduce that lag.
Blood and explosion particles
How to insert blood or explosion particles into your SFM short film/movie.
Omni-Lights and Living Shadows
Omni-Lights and Living Shadows
Item Lock Tutorial
How to lock items to parts of your character's body so that they move together.
How to make a Loadout Poster for Team Fortress 2
How to make a Loadout Poster for Team Fortress 2 in Source Filmmaker
Sequence to custom TF2 model
This video will show a simple trick that will allow you to copy and paste Valve's sequences onto a custom model, like the Femscout.
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt03 - Using xnaLara to Create a Blender Impotable Model
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Fix Hats and Make Them Paintable - Pt4 - Time Lapse The Other 6
This series discusses the programs used to fix material files so hats and miscellaneous item display properly in SFM
Creating animation presets
Animaiton presets are those little sliders on the top left of SFMs GUI. They can be used to "save" positons of bones or any other animaitonset to be resued at your convenience.
SFM Hat & Weapons Locks Part 1 - 10 Minute Tutorials
In this tutorial I go over a bit of information for Locking/Parenting in SFM
Tip of the Day #7 - Getting rid of extra cameras
How to get rid of all the extra cameras you collect while doing takes in SFM. Bonus content, I show you how to change camera names and adjust some other properties.
How to work with Pony Auto-Lip Sync tutorial Part1
more pony stuff it seems ...
Baking Cloth Physics from Maya to Source Filmmaker
So me and Narry Gewman/SmellyFeetYouHave have figured out a way to make cloth-like simulations in Source using Maya to pre-bake them
Render Settings
A tutorial covering the simple basic Render Settings in Source Filmmaker.
Live Stream (Frax777)
Walks through the creation of a scene in SFM
Destructable Environments
I show you how to make walls, floors, and just about anything break into pieces
Loading levels and spawning entities
CoryCee takes you through a quick overview of what you can do with the new Source Filmmaker
Source Filmmaker Faceposing Tutorial
I show you, the viewer, how to do faceposing
Tip of the Day #30 - Auto Aiming the Work Camera
In today's tip I discuss how to use the 'Auto Aim' feature for the Work Camera.
Basic Animation (Tut 3)
In this tutorial, I'll teach you the 3 different types of basic animation in SFM, Pose to Pose, Motion Ramps and Graph Animating. Thanks for watching!
How to Fix The Black materials in SFM
Today I show you how to fix the black textures that you will get for common tf2 items
Tip of the Day #41 - Rule of Thirds
In today's tip, I discuss the 'Rule of Thirds' and how it can improve your SFM videos.
Creating a Short Video From Start to Finish - Part 2
Basics tutorial that takes you through the process of making a simple film
DOME R+D Breakdown: Shot lighting in the Source Filmmaker
Breakdown of how to get shot lighting in SFM
SFM Ultimate Guide - How to use lights
A basic overview of how to use lights
Tip of the Day #55 - The History Window
I show you how to use the History window which can simplify the process of undoing changes instead of spamming CTRL-Z
How to add makeup and wrinkles to a character
SFM Artwork Tutorial Part 6: Custom Posing
I'm going to be making a SFM artwork tutorial series so you guys can make amazing artworks! 🙂
Cloaking Character Model Tutorial
How to create a depth of field effect so that the camera focuses on an object(s) and everything in front of or behind the object(s) is blurred.
Tip of the Day #36 - Freezing Particle Systems
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to freeze a particle system in place, so you can do things like frozen explosions or blood spatter in a still life, and animate other elements such as a camera.
Particles 101
Particles seem to come up as a common request, so I threw this together.
How to use Source Filmmaker
I am going to teach you how to use Source Filmmaker
Team Fortress 2 phoneme table reference
nifty reference table of facial poses
CS:S to SFM Tutorial + Bug Fixes
i had a clean sfm and decided to make a video about it while importing CS:S models for myself
SFM Tutorial #3 - Lights
In this Tutorial i'll be showing you on how to make your own Lighting in the source filmmaker
Basic Pose to Pose Animation
Basic Pose to Pose Animation
Moving Cameras (The VERY Basics - Part1)
In this video we quick look at an unanimated camera and learn the basic keys used to manouever the camera around the map.
Decals via Particle Systems
This shows you how to get in-game customizable decals for flat surfaces via Particles.
Medic Gun Particle
Tutorial for medic gun particle!
Different Camera Angles
How to make different camera angles in the same sequence/render
if you wanna do cool stuff with eyes but don’t want to go around editing VMT’s, then listen up!
Light settings / parameters tutorial
a long, shabby explanation where I try to explain what all the sliders do.
Tip of the Day #47 - Remapping Slider Ranges
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how you can remap the ranges of the various sliders used in SFM to limit values applied to animation sets.
Source Filmmaker Basic Tutorial
Hey, guys! Here's a tutorial about the basics of SFM. Hope you enjoy.
Tip of the Day #46 - Extracting Models from TF2 and other Source Games
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to extract models from the TF2 distribution so you can get all the new hats, weapons and other goodies that aren't in the base SFM distribution. You can apply this technique to other Source games as well.
Source Filmmaker Keyboard Shortcut Reference
keyboard shortcut reference
Tip of the Day #15 - Making a model's eyes follow the camera
how to make a model's eyes follow the camera around. This technique can also be used to make the model's eyes follow another object, entity or model as you desire.
Attaching Weapons To Character Models
This tutorial teaches you how to attach weapons to character models in SFM.
Increase Slider Range
I show you how to increase the slider range at the camera, lights ...
How to Fix: Objects Stops Moving
Does your objects stop moving after about 65 seconds? This guide will help you solve the problem (mostly)!
SFM Tutorial Week #6: Lipsyncing
A tutorial on how to lipsync with audio
Tip of the Day #27 - Adjusting timing of individual elements of a shot
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to adjust the timing of an individual element of your shot- such as a recorded model or spawned entity, even a camera, whether or not it has an animation set.
Pose to Pose Animation (13) Part 1
Introduction to Pose to Pose Animation in the Source Filmmaker
Motion Blur tutorial
In this guide video I'll show you how to add motion blur
SFM Tutorial #2 - Camera Movements
In this Tutorial i'll be showing you on how to make your own Camera Movements in the source filmmaker
Posing picture
Just video of posing picture in SFM.
Fix SFM starting in Particle Editor Mode bug
A simple workaround SFM starting in Particle Editor Mode
KP's Animated GIFs
Covers the creation of animated GIFs in SFM
Wind Effects
add wind effects to your model
how to over-stylize your SFM pictures to hell.
Spooky Sleeves Fix for SFM
You will often encounter a problem of your animation set model going crazy and disappear of your scene. Here is a quick fix for this instead of re-create an animation set.
Doc's Practical Propensity to Particular Painting Problems
Doc's Practical Propensity to Particular Painting Problems
Motion Capture for Source Filmmaker Part 6 - Exporting the Animation
In this tutorial segment I show you how to export the animation you created to a DMX file suitable for import into Source Filmmaker.
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt07 - Materials and Textures
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Making Pony Eyes glow.
Tutorial covering how to make Pony Eyes glow.
How to get Portal 2, CS:GO, HL2 and L4D2 into SFM
I go over how import non-TF2 stuff into SFM. Have fun making movies!
Recommended shading
This guide will show you the recommended settings for camera shadowing on a model, NOT SHADOW ON GROUND, SHADOW ON A MODEL LIKE IN ARMPITS AND SUCH!
SFM Tutorial 2 (Importing custom models and lip syncing.)
In this episode I cover importing custom models and lip syncing.
How to get TF2 Zombies into SFM
Add TF2 zombies to SFM
How to make an easy and cool poster in Source Filmmaker
This is a tutorial on Source Filmmaker for posters!
Motion Capture for Source Filmmaker Part 2 - Recording the Action
Part 2 of my tutorial series on using iPiSoft to capture motion for Source Filmmaker. In this video I show you how to record the actions you'll create animations with.
How to import Dota 2 models to Source Filmmaker
How to import Dota 2 models to Source Filmmaker
Tip of the Day #34 - Adding Text Overlays and Title Cards
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to create simple text overlays and add them to your animations as title cards.
Source Filmmaker Bug Fixes Mega Thread
Collection of common and not so common bugs you may encounter with SFM
Get Rid of Those Purple and Black Objects in MvM Maps
Get Rid of Those Purple and Black Objects in MvM Maps + the New TF2 GCF Format
Sentry Sapping
This tutorial teaches you how to sap a sentry or mimic one in SFM
How to use KillStreak Eye Effects
The goal of this guide is share a method of adding Killstreak Eye Effects and coloring.
Importing Pony SFM Models
This is an revised tutorial to my original that is shorter, sweeter, and hopefully more clear as to how you can import most of the available PONY SFM models.
Lights, lights, and lights.
This mainly involves the 3-point-lighting technique
Importing Models and Choosing Animations
This tutorial is made for the questions I have been recieving through PM asking how I put Half Life 2 Models into the SFM and how I animated them.
Extract Gmod workshop addons
Hello, this video will show you how to extract addons from the Gmod workshop.
How to Animate
I will teach SFM noobs how to do pose to pose animation. Had to learn this the hard way...
An Absolute Beginners Guide to SFM - Part 1 - The Basics
An Absolute Beginners Guide to SFM - Part 1 - The Basics
Into the Graph Editor! - Part 3
Learn the basics of pose-to-pose with a simple animation of the Scout jumping.
How to create Killstreak sheens in SFM
In this guide I will teach you on how you can put killstreak sheens into SFM
How to port XNALara models to Source Filmmaker
This tutorial will describe the basic process of importing, exporting and compiling a model, as well as creating very basic textures and materials for use with Source Filmmaker.
Getting Gmod Workshop stuff too SFM
Ever wanted gmod to sfm?
Into the Graph Editor! - Part 4
Learn the basics of pose-to-pose animation with a generic walk-cycle using Source Filmmaker.
Smooth Flying Camera Tutorial (Source Filmmaker)
Smooth Flying Camera Tutorial (Source Filmmaker)
THE BASICS (Graph Editing)
THE BASICS (Graph Editing)
Using Multiple Maps in a Single SFM Session
This video shows how to use 2 different maps in 2 Shots in a single SFM Session.
How to Animate FNAF Using SFM
easy to understand tutorial for animating FNAF
I’m sorry to say that I don’t actually have stocking-covered leg models. However, with that said, I’m gonna try and explain how to make sexy legs at the least and do some basic Photoshopping/image-editing
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt01 - Introduction and Programs Required
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
The animation guide
Learn some stuff about animation in SFM. This won't get you a job at pixar or disney but it will help you improve (I hope).
Camera Basics
In this tutorial, I will show you the basics on how to use cameras.
Here is a Little tutorial on how to get some poses done!
Tip of the Day #5 - Using Particle Systems
How to spawn and use particle systems in Source Filmmaker by linking the 'Domination' particle to a soldier and having him run around with it.
Poster Fixing
Here's a little Quick Tip on how to fix those weird facial behaviors on the pony models when you try to export a poster!
Shaky Cam Effect
This tutorial shows you how to create the shaky cam effect
How To - Create a Simple Idle Animation in Source Filmmaker
How To - Create a Simple Idle Animation in Source Filmmaker
KP's Porting Tutorial
Covers porting from XNA lara to SFM
How to make SFM Posters:For Newbies
You want to make some SFM posters! Read dis guide den! Note I am not the best,but I at least can show you the basics of making a poster.
How to paint hats in SFM (Quick and Easy)
Today I am demonstrating how to paint hats in SFM!
How to manual pose in SFM!
How to manual pose in SFM!
How to make a simple SFM poster
How to make a simple SFM poster
Destructable Environments
I show you how to make walls, floors, and just about anything break into pieces
Creating Loadout Posters for your Loadout Poster needs
Showing you how to make your own loadout posters with Source Film Maker
Into the Graph Editor! - Part 5
We complete our walk cycle tutorial by discussing weight, balance & lead/follow.
How to make TF2 hats look painted in SFM
How to make TF2 hats look painted in SFM
SFM Ultimate Guide - Getting Started
A basic overview of how to get the SFM and how to do some basic stuff with it
Cel-shading tutorial (plus basics of installing pony models)
Thought I'd show people how to get the cel-shading effect in SFM.
Tip of the Day #63 - Beards, Pipes and Particles, Oh My
In today's tip, I discuss how to work with some of the Steam Workshop items that have been added to Team Fortress 2, such as beards.
Downloading and installing models
Downloading and installing models
SFM Material Overriding and useful VMT commands
Covers the process required to modify materials
How to map for SFM
Do you not know how to set up SFM for Hammer Editor!Then this guide is for you!
Fixing Character Collapse
How to fix a Character collapse situation
Applying a particle system to a model
In this tutorial I will try to explain how to apply a particle system to a model. This isnt a simple lock, it makes the particle system go over the entire model.
How to make your very own OC pony for SFM|Gmod
more pony stuff it seems ...
SFM Ultimate Guide - The Graph Editor
A basic overview of how to use the graph editor
Importing models from the internet to your SFM model list
In this guide we answer the deep question some that are new to SFM have, 'How do i get the models from the internet, into my SFM?'
Working with Neotokyo in SFM
Guide on importing Neotokyo assets to Source Filmmaker to work with.
Walk Cycle Tutorial - Part 1
This tutorial shows you how to create a walk cycle
ABSFM Tut: Dress Recipies
How to setup dresseon models in SFM
Letterboxing Tutorial
This is a guide to teach you a simple way to do nice looking letterboxing.
How to get Strongbox items into SFM
Hi everyone, I will be teaching you how to get the strongbox items into Source Filmmaker
Tip of the Day #49 - Frozen cameras and animations in long shots and how to correct it
In today's Tip of the Day I describe a problem you may run into if you work with very long shots (longer than 60 seconds) which is characterized by any animations freezing and being unable to be modified. I show you why it happens and how to correct it.
How to setup Lights and filters in SFM
Using the SFM Steam Workshop
I will give you instructions on how to download and use assets from the Source Filmmaker Steam Workshop.
SFM HOW TO Import custom map and textures
How to fix/Import custom BSP/textures for SFM
How to swap heads
After some experimenting I've found a relatively quick way of swapping heads in the SFM
Creating a Short Video From Start to Finish - Part 1
Basics tutorial that takes you through the process of making a simple film
Tip of the Day #22 - Resetting the Pivot Handle
In today's Tip of the Day, I show you how to reset the pivot handle on a model once it's been moved. I also show you a few other tricks with the pivot handles.
XPS to SFM conversion guide using Blender
How to import XPS to SFM through Blender
How to create a decent poster/image with SFM
This guide will help you to create decent posters and/or images in Source Filmmaker.
Create a particle Wheatfield
Create a nifty animated wheatfield
Paint hats (Mullets at least)!
If you would like to color your hair at least you may want to check this video out.
Fixing the grainy AO
Got some dodgy grain-like shadows on your creation? This guide can help you fix it!
How to make a simple/basic SFM Poster!
How to make a simple/basic SFM Poster!
Lip Sync (Tut 4)
I am back with more SFM tutorials! This one is on Lip Syncing. Enjoy!
Rocket Collision On Added Models
add collision to meshes
Source Filmmaker Tips and Tricks 1: Basic Lighting Techniques
tips and tricks for lighting in SFM
SFM Smoothing Tutorial
How to apply smoothing in SFM
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt 2 SFM and GCFScape
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Tip of the Day #11 - Using locks for fun and profit
How to use locks by creating a spy, attaching a cigarette to his hand, animating him, and putting a smoke particle effect on the cigarette in his hand.
Glowing Eyes Effect
Here is show you how to give a character glowing eyes by using lights.
Using Jiggle Bones
Some items have jiggle bones that don't show up when you load them. This is a quick guide to tell you how to activate them.
How to Make Comics Inside Source Filmmaker
Giving a general tutorial on making comics from within SFM
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt3 Using a Crowbar(0.27)
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Material Overrides
Material overrides allow specific modifications of a models textures without effecting other instances of the model.
Natural eye movement : Blink on Glance
A super simple trick for more realistic eye movements in characters
Time Selection (05)
Basic introduction to selecting time in the Source Filmmaker
Fix Hats and Make Them Paintable - Pt2 - Fixing Robo Archimedes
Demonstrates fixing the material layers of the Robo Medic's Archimedes Using GIMP and the VTF Plugin.
Importing Faceposer VCDs to SFM
Since some people like myself still believe that old faceposer still has a place in machinima I have provided this tutorial for porting faceposer scenes to SFM.
How to make the camera FOCUS on a model!
Hey Guys! Today I will show you how to use the Facial Plane to focus in on a certain model!
The Basics Of Making A Poster
The Basics Of Making A Poster in SFM
How to make CSGO films in Source Filmmaker
How to make CSGO films in Source Filmmaker
Motion Capture for Source Filmmaker Part 7 - Importing the animation to SFM
In this tutorial we bring the animation we created in the previous tutorial segments into Source Filmmaker.
Creating Dark Maps for SFM
How to create maps with no lights for use in SFM.
Item Lock Tutorial
In this tutorial, I show you how to lock items to parts of your character's body so that they move together.
SFM Tutorial Week #1: Loading Animation Cycles
A tutorial on how to load animation cycles
lip syncing tutorial for Source Film Maker
lip syncing tutorial for Source Film Maker
Cameras And Sessions - The JollyOldCinema Guide To Source Filmmaker Episode 1
How To Use SFM And Create Posters And Videos
Tip of the Day #74 - Getting the new DLC (Portal 2, DoD, Blade Symphony) into SFM easily
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to add the new free DLC included with Source Filmmaker- Portal 2, Day of Defeat, Blade Symphony
Creating animation presets
Animation presets are sliders that can control various aspects of a model, normally they control facial expression, phonemes, and visemes.
Tip of the Day #25 - Transform, Overwrite and Offset in the Motion Editor
In today's tip I give a quick demonstration of the differences between Transform, Overwrite and Offset in the Motion Editor of Source Filmmaker.
Tip of the Day #26 - Gibbing your characters
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to add the 'gibbing' effect to make your posed models explode as though they were detonated by a sticky, etc.
Locking Items: The Easy Way
Locking Items: The Easy Way
Lighting (11)
Basic introduction to lighting in the Source Filmmaker
Rigging (10)
Basic introduction to rigging models in the Source Filmmaker
Tip of the Day #50 - Using Helpers for Fun and Profit
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to use 'helpers' in Source Filmmaker to allow you to manipulate objects more easily and to create indirect locks.
Tip of the Day #48 - Slow In, Slow Out- Realistic Movement in SFM
In today's Tip of the Day I depart from some of my previous tutorials and delve a bit into animation theory, discuss how objects move in the real world and how you can more effectively emulate them in SFM.
Tips : SSAO And Focal Distance
Tips : SSAO And Focal Distance
Tip of the Day #12 - Accessing sounds recorded by Source Filmmaker
How to find the sounds that SFM will automatically put in the scene when you record a scene
Making a Poster - Part 4 (lighting)
Tidying up particles and adding lights.
Manipulating (04)
Basic introduction to manipulation in the Source Filmmaker
Tip of the Day #4 - Using Sprays in Source Filmmaker
How to use Sprays in TF2 within Source Flimmaker
Tutorial (#2): Fixing common, transparent models
I've decided to make a simple SFM tutorial on fixing common, transparent models
Paint a non paintable hat
his video will show you how to paint one of the non paintable hats in TF2 for SFM.
SFM - Rendering A Video. Quality Comparisons
This video will allow you to compare the 4 render settings you get to use in the SFM.
All were rendered at 1920X1080 @24fps
This will also teach you a little bit about Locking models onto other models if you are not entirely familiar with that.
Skin Your Custom Pony (Tut 3)
In this tutorial I will show you all of the steps necessary to skin a template pony or other included GMOD Ponies
How to Paint Hats and Cosmetics in SFM
How to Paint Hats and Cosmetics in SFM
Everything you need to know to create a simple scene
Basic tutorial covering SFM indepth
Import custom player models
For you who can't figure out how to import models into SFM, might want to take a quick look at this.
Magic Particle System (Covering Your Models)
Here we have a tutorial for covering objects with the "Magic_Lantern" particle system
Playing around with the particle editor : BLUE TRIGONS
I show you how to make Blue triangles and then cause them to emit from a medic.
Decompile a Valve Model, Edit and Send Back to SFM - Pt 5 Blender Source Tools
Tutorial series covering the decompilation of source models and importing to SFM
Volumetric Lighting
This is just a quick tutorial on how to add a volumetric light.
Scaling Tutorial
SFM just added model and bone scaling, which is glorious. I saw a few things people were having trouble with about it, and decided to have a quick poke at them.
How to make a basic poster
How to make a basic poster
Into the Graph Editor! - Part 7
Learn the value of "stepped" keys and how to have a little more fun with your animation
My Source Filmmaker Tutorial
Hey this is the best info I can post so far, for SFM to help others!
Tip of the Day #29 - Removing Decals from the scenery
In today's Tip of the Day I show you how to use the console command 'r_cleardecals' to remove the bullet holes, blood and other effects that end up on your background scenery when recording in Source Filmmaker.
Converting XNA Models for Use in SFM Pt06 - Dem Bones
Converting XNA Models to SFM compatible models
Tip of the Day #6 - Stop recording entities twice!
How to avoid recording things like medical crates, ammo crates, particles and other objects in the game world twice when recording your SFM movies.
How to make good SFM pictures/posters (Sfm tf2)
How to make good SFM pictures/posters
SFM Artwork Tutorial Part 1: Learning the Basics
I'm going to be making a SFM artwork tutorial series so you guys can make amazing artworks! 🙂
SFM Tutorial Week #2: Using the Motion Editor
A tutorial on how to use the motion editor
Apply custom textures to models
In this guide you will get an Step by Step explaination how to use custom textures in SFM and how to apply them in SFM without overwriting the original texture.
Speeding light effect
This tutorial shows how to make the background effect seen in almost every shot of the microfilm Heavy's Falcon Punch
Reverse Tracking Shot/ Hitchcock effect
This tutorial shows you how to create a reverse tracking shot
Using hats in SFM
How to make OC ponies Gmod way SFM/Gmod
more pony stuff it seems ...
SL (.bvh) to SFM (.dmx) - Step 2: Motion Builder conversion
In this tutorial we will convert an animation from inside Second Life into a .dmx file which we can import into Source Filmmaker.
Setting up lighting for SFM anthro pics
This is a small tutorial to help you guys set up your lights for a SFM picture, i used my Umbra picture as an example!
Stormy 13th Hour effect fix
This is a guide for fixing Stormy 13th Hour effect. The problem is, that when the 'skull' appears, it only shows square pixel.
Gun Mettle Skin Tutorial (Pretty Easy)
So I felt like some of you would like to know how to put your Gun Mettle skins into SFM/GMod.
How to make the zombie models in SFM
How to make the zombie models in SFM
SFM Tutorial Week #5: Camera Enhancement
A tutorial on how to get the most out of your camera
Ever get into a situation using SFM where all that is visible is the Engine Window?
This is a quick and easy tutorial on how to get your Editting window back!!!
How to make a Loadout Poster for Team Fortress 2
I Will Show You How To Make A SFM Team Fortress 2 Loadout Poster
SFM Rim Light Tutorial
How to make Rim Lighting in SFM
Realistic Eye Movement
I teach you a trick with the eyes. Its like locking a hat to a model, except with eyes!
Live Source Film Maker Animating!
Covers the basics of animation in SFM
Simple Tutorials - How to put hats on characters
Simple Tutorials - How to put hats on characters